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This is for the very good reason that they are obligated to keep silence under the whip of 18 USC 472.---knowledge and use of fraudulent conveyances, false securities, etc. i, a man: be not Dead and Lost at SEE. Common Law Court So, look at your name as it appears in All Capitals on that Birth Certificate. CQV Act 1666 page 816), had a Treasury since 1921 (41 Stat. They can then correct the Deed and Title to their assets, issue an Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance of Deed, transferring the property back to Stanton County Oregon or Pierce County Idaho or wherever else it is located and defining it as a private land parcel, tax-exempt, and described as. "according to metes and bounds established by this Deed.." and as further described as Number 452 Pickle-Lovers Lane (copyright symbol) --- whatever name you make up to describe your parcel--- belonging to Ted and Marcia (or Bill and Alice or.) Johnson, c/o Post Box 39980 in AnyState, blah, blah, blah. "the" United States And "the" United States Of America Inc. Americans are invited to peaceably come forward and declare their proper political status and assemble their States of the Union. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548), 13. Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies. Streamlined Processes It is a Maxim of Law that "as a THING is bound, so it is unbound". Colonel Edward Mandell House Long Form Birth Certificate The subrogation of your rights When London burned the subrogation of mens and womens rights occurred. LANGUAGE-OF-BABYLON [I don't mean that you are uniquely responsible for this vast process of giving Notice--- I mean that all Americans who are not Federal Employees need to do this, en masse, in every small town and county and city and borough and district nationwide. Woodrow Wilson President 1913 - 1921. One out of 435. You take responsibility for spreading the word in your area and I take responsibility for spreading it in mine.]. You will have little or no reason to ever visit their courts. Get those certified Birth Certificates ordered. Are they issuing bonds against a Dead Man's Estate? The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States! Hist. They are identifying your NAME as property belonging to them, which they are issuing bonds against. All of this was going on under whose noses? This fraudulent genocide on paper was then used to excuse the creation of trusts by the Municipal United States Government. Pl. "the" United States And "the" United States Of America Inc. The STRAWMAN can no longer be presumed to be a public trust or public transmitting utility residing in Puerto Rico. American State National (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que (Vie)Trustwas toforma temporaryEstatefor the. There have NOT been any judges in America since 1789. They've done exactly the opposite of what your government is supposed to do. You are supposed to be running Your Government. If you want a government that protects you, a government that doesn't steal from you, harass you, threaten you, or harm you --- then, it's high time that you start backing Your Government and participating in it and supporting it with your money and your skills and your time. Kick them to curb as hard as you can, and keep kicking. So, we noticed what was wrong a long time ago. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. And the odds have remained about the same ever since. -- I want you all to sit down, look at the situation described, and begin figuring things out. To expedite and institutionalize their cozy "special relationship" the perpetrators have established The Dead Baby Scam, a throwback to earlier outlawed practices of the so-called Holy Roman Empire. Once you do get possession of your strawman to access your account you file a 1040 form with IRS to offset your debts. Property We are building it up and restoring it. See the enclosed Final Re-Assignment: 2019-011557-3, UCC Financing Statement Amendment, Recording District 500, UCC Central File. The British-backed Territorial State of State organization doing business as (for example) the State of Oregon has seized upon and laid claim to "First Middle Last" and the Municipal STATE OF STATE (for example, STATE OF WYOMING) has claimed an ownership interest in FIRST MIDDLE LAST. So, you should only connect with your name when it benefits you. Why do we have one? Admiralty Law January 2018 But we have figured it out and we are not happy with our subcontractors. As for the actual owners of this country, the American States and People, dba The United States of America [Unincorporated] andThe United States [Unincorporated] we object to any supposition that the debts and criminality of "the" United States of America, Inc., and "the" United States, Inc., has anything to do with us, our States, our People, or our assets. The first step reclaims your copyright interest in your own name (and therefore all the assets attached to it) and puts you in control of it, and the second step uncouples the "presumption" of "residency" and "US citizen" status being associated with your name. Congressman McFadden was poisoned, mafia-style, for lodging his complaint with the House Judiciary Committee, but because he did the right thing, those charges still stand, as firmly lodged today as they were in 1934. November 2017 It's all just legal chicanery and lies and deliberate falsification of records and non-disclosed adhesion contracts being exercised against babies in their cradles and innocent people who are never given any disclosure about these practices and presumptions. (Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520), 18. Birth Certificate Fraud (Papal Bulls of 1455 & 1493), 25. Your Lawful Person is an actual civilian and your State (not any "State of State") is the actual civilian government doing business as a member of The United States of America, Unincorporated---- that these jackdaws are supposed to protect against "all enemies foreign and domestic". (Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243), 29. You will bein control your own livesagain. This is more difficult than it looks, because the perpetrators of this scheme have made it difficult, yet to enjoy the benefits of their perfidy they have had to leave the door open for you, too. Strawman Illusion Explained And we talked to our friends and neighbors (those who would listen) and we explained what was wrong and we learned more as we went. and, we organized the government we are supposed to have: Your Government. Deny the crooks jurisdiction over you, and destroy their power. Once you have yourself free and clear and beyond the reach of the vermin and their false claims against you, you can easily deal with the issue of Property Taxes and Income Taxes being imposed by foreign governments via false presumption and deceit. If you are an honest and peaceful man, that's what you wanted all along. We can develop effective Acts of State. When you register a piece of property --- say, a car or truck? It is therefore important to learn PARSE and follow up with a Corollary Deed written in PARSE and added to the land record so that they can't discount or "mistake" your meaning about any of this anymore. This is how they use our sons and daughters in the military to conduct experimental drug tests and inject them with diseases and vaccines and use them as "test subjects" to test new mind control programs and devices. Give notice to the Tax Assessor and demand that your parcel be designated as private property and as tax exempt. According to the Bar Association Manual and the Government Printing Office and Federal Bureau of Engraving and Black's Law Dictionary and the Chicago Manuel of Style, the only things that can be named using All Capital Letters are: (1) Corporations or (2) Dead men's estates. And again --- why is all this necessary? But remember, they have already seized control of your Given Name, which is also known as a "Trade Name" in their system of things, and they have copyrighted it by "registering" your "birth/berth". You CANNOT use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it! The Registrar is an Officer of the Probate Court. Also termed physical force. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund. ), I wish to apply my exemption and also wish for the exoneration of my pre-paid VESSELS and the elimination of this court contract. What greater profit can you realize by investing in anything else? An action; a right or claim.2. We all need to become very much more aware of the "occupation" of the U.S. Army and the misconduct that has gone on in the international jurisdiction since the so-called American Civil War. All Territorial Courts are restricted to their internal administrative duties and such duties in Admiralty as are strictly defined and intended under the provisions of The Constitution of the United States of America of 1789. 422.103 (b)), in America and have not been since 1789. Mr. Mnuchin needs to do his actual job owed to the actual People of this country. "Freedom from Government; How to Reclaim Your Power" is your handbook for dealing with government on your terms. We are supporting it. Straw-man There is power in numbers. The state became the trustee/husband holding all titles to the people and property, until a living man comes back to reclaim those titles, he can also claim damages. Mr. Lincoln left them the Lieber Code to administer -- basically, instructions for what they were supposed to do and how they were supposed to conduct themselves and over time, that morphed into the Hague Conventions. Their job is to protect THE CORPORATION and arrest code breakers. It is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al. Straw Man - Birth Certificates This makes it easier for us to pay taxes, fines, and court costs, how considerate. They are supposed to operate under the limitations and in accordance with their employment contracts called the Constitutions. It's a substitute government run by two Federal subcontractors. The BirthCertificatehas no direct relationship to the private secret trusts controlled by the private banking network, nor can it be used to force the administration of astateor nation to divulge the existence of these secret trusts. See rural servitude and urban servitude under SERVITUDE(2). Step Two: You have to do the expatriation and the revocation of Voter Registration, too. August 2019 All people are seen to be in custody of, The Crown. You are given a "certificate" in exchange for "registering" something. They excused this Breach of Trust after the bogus "Civil War" ---which was never a war, but an illegal commercial action on our shores--- in the name of Public Safety to ensure the peace after the "rebels" were defeated. See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: Strawman - Know Your Rights Where is the only power point against all this? 247), 30. Methods Of Claming Your StrawMan Pay Attention! UCC: How to Own Your Strawman - NewEarth University A Must Watch, inform yourself on enslavement by the Vatican and Bankers through your birth certificate! PDF A QUICK GUIDE TO SOVEREIGN CITIZENS - University of North Carolina at And that is the only reason for any government to exist, ever. Citizenship Chart United States v: United States of America, Reclaim Your Estate Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship, Energetic Parasite Intervention Support Sessions, Alpha Omega World Development Marshall Programme. Since no money exists, all you have is your signature and your exemption number to pay a debt. ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS Straw Man This includes every District Attorney, every United States Attorney, every State of State and STATE OF STATE Governor/Governor, plus the US Secretary of State and the US Secretary of the Treasury and the military Base Commanders in your area and every lawyer from here to South Africa. Secret Trust We continue to hold the Roman Curia, the Holy See, and the Roman Catholic Church as a whole responsible for gross Breach of Trust in criminal self-interest. Civil Rights 18, 20, 2324, 34, 3940.]2. See this article and over 1700 others on Anna's website here: Take a look at the Birth Certificate issued in your NAME. No matter what language something is expressed in, whether the grammar is correct or not, we all know when something is unfair. This is a process similar to re-flagging a ship. And then, they just continued with more of the same rot, expanding and institutionalizing and mechanizing and compartmentalizing and applying the same scheme to everyone, until ---- according to them ---- damn near everyone is a "voluntary" slave who has donated everything including their own Name to these criminal commercial corporations. The next thing you will most likely notice is that your name is spelled out in All Capital Letters, and that, most likely, other words appear in All Capital Letters. Since 1581, there has been a second series of Cestui Que Vie Estates concerning thepropertyof persons and rights which migrated to the United States for administration including: (i) In 1651 the Act for theSettlementof Ireland 1651-52 which introduced theconceptof settlements, enemies of the, and restrictions of movement in states of emeregency; and, (ii) In 1861 the Emergency Powers Act 1861; and, (iii) In 1931 the EmergencyReliefand Construction Act 1931-32; and. You were deliberately misidentified as a baby as either a "United States Citizen" [Territorial] or "Citizen of the United States" [Municipal] and unless you rebut the evidence, you will be claimed as chattel belonging as a property asset to one of these foreign commercial crime syndicates. Reclaiming Your STRAWMAN #1 (Learn to Access the Cestui Que Vie) LANGUAGE-OF-BABYLON The United States [Unincorporated] It is established and given Notice in the Public Record that the STRAWMAN is an American State asset. Be willing to give that to other people, even those you consider to be enemies, and your own peace is assured. C.J.S. Now you know that that weird procession involved a "Sealing Ceremony" in which they hoped to consecrate their spellbinding --- also known as fraud -- against the American States and People and most of the rest of the world, too. 363, REiff vs. City of Phila. They used official government printing presses and papers and inks and engraving plates to do it. The U.N. United Nations has financed the operations of the United States government (the corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) for over 50 years (U.S. Department of Treasury is part of the U.N. see above) and now owns every man, woman and child in America. A properly translated PARSE deed serves notice to the vermin that the jig is up and that you know what they are doing. British Territorial United States Citizen And never register anything voluntarily. You were not told that these offers and programs were only for "US citizens" and you were not given full disclosure about which kind of "US citizen" was eligible and other aspects of these sugar-coated lumps of rabbit feces, either. Straw Man Artifical Person of another because some event,stateofaffairsor condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent and present before a competent authority. The British Government is under demand to cease and desist all commercial mercenary actions on our shores and to end all collusion with the Municipal United States Government against the American States and People. It will show either a Territorial State of State with its name written in Upper and Lower Case like this: State of Washington, or a Municipal STATE OF STATE written in All Capitals like this: STATE OF IOWA. Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate What It Means However, as theEstateis held in a Temporary not permanent. Give Yourself Credit: Money Doesnt Grow On Trees! We come from our mothers waters. actiones (ak-shee-oh-neez).actio ad exhibendum (ak-shee-oh ad ek-si-ben-d[schwa]m).Roman law. They have been exercising our own "Delegated Powers" and operating "in our names". RUSSELL-J:GOULD is never going to be recognized as a Proper Noun in American English. It is evidence of attempting to contract with and establish "unconscionable contract" with an infant. Because you are misidentified in the public record, your land holdings are also misidentified and placed into one of three categories: residential, industrial, or agricultural, when your land of any sort should be classified as private property. Crown Corporation Time to remind them all of all of the above. You are listed as a TENANT. PROOF the TRUST even exists. Next, having secured your Trade Name and having permanently domiciled it on the land and soil jurisdiction State, you will Expatriate from any presumed political status as a Territorial Citizen (like someone born in Puerto Rico) or Municipal CITIZEN (created in the Municipality of Washington, DC, for example). or "ringers" that simply infringed upon our Good Name and our Common Law copyrights as a meansof purposefully promoting identity theft, credit fraud, bankruptcy fraud,press-ganging, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, and other international and confidence crimes going back generations. We are supporting it. Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate What It Means This trust is equal to a "cut" as it were, of the wealth of the lands that they have raped us of . Get moving. You are "undeclared" so that allows them to tell lies about you and make presumptions about your identity and political status. 4 page 113, 22 U.S.C. YOUR STRAWMAN- reclaiming your sovereignty! - YouTube Get your paperwork done and recorded. Birth Certificates And The Act Of 1871 Once you reclaim your name and your proper political status you will need to notify the authorities responsible-- the Port Authority for your area (Coast Guard Commandant) and the Adjutant General (responsible for keeping and updating proper records) and the US Postmaster General. There are two peaceful ways out of this box. A Cestui Que Vie Trust, also known later as a Fide CommissaryTrust and later again as a Foreign Situstrust and also known as aformof SecretTru, being a Temporary TestamentaryTrust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 wherein anEstatemay be effected for the, of one or more Persons presumed lost or abandoned at sea and therefore assumed/presumed dead after seven (7) years. So where you have commerce and money, you also have justice and injury. Methods of Claiming Your Straw Man The CESTUI QUE VIE Trust Freedom From Servitude If You Are Not Willing To Learn, No One Can Help You. January 2020 Listen Up! There are advantages to identifying the foreign languages these vermin have been using against us. You will bein control your own livesagain. Invalid Signatures Meet Your Strawman | The Twin You Never Knew You Had | The Redemption as a tenant on your own land, with the State of Whatever as your landlord. As a result, all our mothers were admitted as patients and gave birth to a dead "person" carrying our Given Names. What happens is that you are (1) deliberately misidentified when you are a baby and "presumed" to be a British Territorial United States Citizen; this then (2) allows the Municipal Government to also get into the act and "presume" that you might also be a Citizen of the United States--- all this because your parents didn't know and were not told that they needed to record your birth event and your Proper Name as that of an American State National instead. When London burned, the subrogation of mens and womens rights occurred. According to Russell, this is their new backdoor trick. The Birth Certificate is proof and evidence of Unconscionable contracting processes being used to defraud American babies --- literally in their cradles. ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS Straw Man After all, you are being misrepresented as the "donor" of all these assets and the State of State is claiming to be the beneficiary of your largesse. Common Law Vs Maritime Law Affinity For Life 1.43K subscribers Subscribe 808 30K views 6 years ago A quick video on what your strawman is and the fraud associated with. The British Territorial Government held the Equitable (Beneficial) Title to these trusts created and operated in our NAMES and the Municipal United States Government held the legal title to them. Naturalized Citizenship" -- Unanswered Letters 14 - Anna von Reitz. Dear Ernie. Now. And they fully intended to leave the clueless American People responsible for paying for it. Record that. This is a double-whammy trap they have created---- both Municipal "citizenship" and Territorial "Citizenship" have to be renounced. They have "taken title" to over 300 million American babies. The Birth Certificate you hold in your hand is irrefutable evidence of the facts. Birth Certificates AKA CUSIP BONDS The next thing that will probably catch your eye is that there are all sorts of seals and blazons and watermarks on this piece of paper. It has, thus far, created a lasting protective barrier between the living man and the predatory corporations, and if you adopt his system and use PARSE SYNTAX, it can protect you, too. I have provided all the instruction as to how you can create the evidence of your true identity as a Lawful Person. The idea of using PARSE SYNTAX grammar for the same purpose was a no-brainer for these rats and they have eagerly accepted it. So, when your Mother is subtly misinformed and coerced to register her new possession --- you ---- with the corporation posing as your government, guess what? UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE - Straw Man Beginnings HE has no rights; he is literally a slave under the rules of their stilted, dishonest, vicious game. But there is another layer to the scam. [Latin]1. Claim your strawman Watch on This is a Private Members Association wpma-26022022-pma expressed into a private trust Title number pa-0014-wilstaff-26022022-pt All information on this website is intended for Private Members As a man: or woman: i, have been lied to ALL my life. Serve Notice that you have "returned home" to your birthright political capacity as a Lawful Person and anyone failing to recognize that fact is fully and 100% commercially, morally, and materially liable for any attacks, acts of insubordination, false claims in commerce, or attempts to impersonate you from now on. It's all or none. Straw Man - Artifical Person This new process of "Redemption In Law" is in its infant stages and as successes continue to occur, the authors of the book . get up to speed fast! The Holy See is under demand to re-task the IRS to process credit claims brought by the American States and People. Get your State Assemblies properly populated by Americans operating in their singular capacity as Lawful Persons. Straw man is a third party that holds property in intermission for the sole purpose of transferring it to another. In sovereign citizens' view, the government-controlled and enslaved strawman is evidenced by documents showing the person's name in all capital letters. 285-2887), 5. Look at the BC issued in your name. By becoming aware and doing our due diligence we can save the world from criminality and predators. We know from our study of the history that these organizations are all foreign with respect to us, as our own American State of State organizations have been moth-balled since the Civil War. Returning the BC to the Secretary of the Treasury "surrenders" the "criminal" PERSON back whence "he" came and cashiers the MUNICIPAL "citizen"---- now you still have to deal with the Territorial Citizen---- the presumed Foreign Situs Trust operating under your Upper and Lower Case name. Six generations of Americans have been preyed upon, threatened, and harassed by something posing as "their" government. Read carefully the Deed to the property you think is yours. (Bened. Capitis Diminutio - Maxima - Minima - Media, Anna von Reitz-Restoring Lawful Government, Mark Emery - Exit Babylon - Lighthouse Law Club, SMART METER COVERS & EMF PROTECTION DEVICES, CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE, The fastest and Most effective Way to Claim your Strawman, Invalid Signatures and Proof of Non-ConsenT - Birth Certificates, UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OFLIFE, INVALID SIGNATURES AND PROOF OF NON-CONSENT - BIRTH CERTIFICATES. This puts you outside their jurisdiction, so they can no longer "presume" anything about you. You get to use the car, just as you get to use your own body --- with the owner's permission. This then affected our ability to own land in the states, because "foreigners" can't actually live here, they can only "reside" here. See also Final Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance, 2019-008503-0. Behind the birth certificate, there is a trust bond, taken out in your name and controlled by the vatican/government/banking system. And nobody is told any of this outrageous garbage going into the service or coming into this world that these madmen and criminals have created "for" us. (U.S. v Strang, 254 US491 Lewis v. US, 680 F.2nd, 1239), 7. To say that we are dismayed and disgusted by the hypocrisy, graft, greed, disloyalty, guile, deceit, necromancy, identity theft, false probate of living estates in violation of their own statutory laws and U.S. Supreme Court decisions --- Scott v. McNeal, 154 U.S. 34 (1894), conspiracy against our lawful government in contravention of the Constitutions that created and empowered these foreign subcontractors to exercise our delegated powers in the first place --- would be a complete understatement.