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Positively, it set up a new trend of technological innovation, but negatively initiated the development of destructive weapons. Mercury is agile, quick, objective, genderless. If you have this placement, you might struggle with organization, time management, keeping your things in order (if there are some earth placements in your chart to balance this out, it is not that bad). All in all, I wholeheartedly recommend choosing Patrick Watson as your astrologer, and I look forward to pursuing consultations with him again in the future. All placements exist for a reason. A Mercury in Pisces transit can last several weeks, so youll need to communicate with patience and compassion, and understand that others may need some coaxing to break out of their shells. They always know what is going on between the lines with their friends, but they rarely say anything. According to all these above-mentioned significations, awakened Mercury in this sign makes these natives have unrealistic hopes, blind faith, and irrational optimism. it out. The special facet of Pisces rules dreaming and the subconscious, so there will always be a dreaminess about him. Their beliefs are very important to them and they strive to encourage others, serving as some of the most encouraging and accepting advocates in any given field. This article has explored the many facets of Mercury in Pisces and how it affects us all. The Sun transits Pisces between 19 February and 20 March approximately (under the tropical zodiac). 3316. Heartily thankful. This is a very creative placement. I understand your concern. Mercury in Pisces Debilitated - astrology.community To have a planet ingress into a new sign at the exact time of the full moon is extraordinary and very rare! He helped me understand some of the conflicts I have been facing with family and career, and even some of the challenges my children have been facing during recent transits. The cancellation or support in life comes through matters described in Pisces Venus. Because of your sensitivity, you take on the energy of other people easily, what might overwhelm you. Imagining yourself as other people is natural for you, and this ability makes you an excellent interviewer or conversationalist. Mercury can also have a big role. As the planet closest to the Sun, Mercury serves as an emissary, a translator, a messenger of the Sun. As the planet the closest to the Sun, it has the shortest orbital period of all the planets. Pisces - March 2023 | Professor Astrology Mercury Signs - Mercury In Pisces | AstroReveal.com You are a more sensitive and fine-tuned character than most people, but you wrap this sensitivity in a manifestation of raw power. I definitely look forward to further consultations as I dig deeper into my astrological studies. There are many confusing aspects to the Mercury in Pisces woman, but once you understand what kind of a man she is into, her behavior becomes easier to predict and explain. Shes willing to forgive because the sweetest spot in her heart is reserved for romantic relationships. Astrology And All Aries Singers, With Mercury And Venus Signs Exalted Venus directly cancels the fall of Mercury. These people are caring and tender which is noticed by others clearly in their way . The Astrological reason for this is the rulership of Jupiter over the zodiac sign Pisces. One of the main weaknesses of this Mercury sign is that it might lack the sense for practical things. While many Pisces Mercury people are artistic, this gift can also manifest in mathematical talent, for example (especially for abstract concepts). Accordingly, the debilitation of Mercury can cause serious damage to these significations resulting in losses in business ventures, marriage, and trading. Mercury Sign Meaning in Astrology | Ryan Hart The last zodiac sign is Pisces, and the natives of this sign are spiritual at their core. Mercury in Pisces is a perfect placement for any profession that requires creativity, art, writing, but it is also wonderful for science, mathematics, spirituality, healing, pharmacy, to mention some possibilities. You might struggle with anxiety, especially when you are under pressure. . MERCURY IN PISCES Those with Mercury in Pisces are dreamy thinkers. He has a logical approach to astrology that truly connected, and he has inspired me to learn about myself through my chart. After all, traveling is the natural medicine of healthy people. Those born with Mercury in Pisces are imaginative by nature. To know more about the specific area of life this placement impacts and its relationships to other planets and points in your individual natal chart, enter your birth date, birth time and birth place to get your Natal Horoscope Report instantly! Mercury in Pisces people like to take their time when asked a question. In other words, every combination carries its benefits and flaws, even so, is the story with an exalted planet. Navigating Mercury Retrograde in Pisces can be like riding the ocean waves. Needless to say, this is a blockage that can hinder your success. To be specific, his discovery of the fact that mass and energy are interchangeable led to both good and bad results. I can relate to many things mentioned including a deep inclination towards spirituality. As a result, the initial negative traits of Pisces Mercury are transformed into exceptionally powerful ones. However, people with this placement can have . But they might do it well if they choose to do so.). When Mercury is in Pisces, it means necessary steps should be taken to ensure that everybody is happy with the results. Mercury in Pisces often feels confused in the world. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Fergie Duhamel) was born 27th March 1975 and is the female vocalist for the hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas. The idea is that if there is something you need to know, it will come to you in time. Mercury in Pisces have deep emotions, but they struggle with expressing them. In a situation where Patrick Watson agrees a refund is warranted, refunds for purchases made in crypto will only be provided in USD at the original USD price. In this article, you can read about the meaning of Mercury in Pisces. I can identify with all the trepidations as well as the gifts of this mercury placement. Mercury in Pisces men have a keen artistic sense and a romantic outlook. In some classical scriptures, there is mentioned that a retrograde planet is so strong that is capable of overcoming its own weaknesses in the sign of fall even without the support of dispositor. Because of their overly trusting attitude, they are vulnerable to disloyalty and deception in key areas of life, such as love . The 10th house in Vedic astrology signifies high achievements and status in life. Another reason for this is that for some natural causes, their communication devices tend to malfunction often. Thank you for this very rich and insightful article. I walked away from our session with a better sense of who I am as well as my direction in life. It is the fastest moving planet in the zodiac, which means it travels 30 degrees a month. Check out the fantastic, focus and mood improving Four Sigmatic Coffee and other products with my discount link. Pisces is the mutable water sign. However, there are also benefits to Mercury Retrograde in Pisces. This indicates some challenges in its functioning. I had a fabulous consult with Patrick recently. Mercury in Pisces is the sign of a person who loves to travel. He gives you a great perspective on your life and how it unravels by pinpointing period in your past that will echo through today (and tomorrow!). When she knows you well enough, this lady will tell you exactly how it is, not holding back and hiding her mind games. 4) I accept Patrick Watsons right to refuse service and provide a full refund on the basis of my questions validity or other ethical concerns. Patrick is an astute practitioner, with a great deal of wisdom, maturity, insight and great kindness. I couldnt have asked for a better astrologer to read my chart! By polarity, it is negative or passive. A very mystical soul, you are attuned to all things spiritual. The energies and thoughts of individuals with this combination dissipate into the air due to constant imagination. I think my best goal are m my musical and my memory wich is quite good and before I reached 22 it was even better. I really enjoyed his consultation and. Mercury represents the mind and the ability to think quickly. and motifs in my life. Even if they are prompted to support their statements, they often tell that they just felt that way or they thought it to be right according to faith. Not only does he exhibit an extraordinary depth of knowledge, skill, talent, professionalism, and passion in his craft, as well as demonstrate a notably strong capacity to pinpoint the precise timing of imperative events in peoples lives via Zodiacal Releasing & other beautiful techniques, but his approach achieves the ideal balance of kind sensitivity and 100% honesty. Enjoy our world-class food, live music, and impeccable service blended with a breathtaking, panoramic view of Arlington's Entertainment District. You also have excellent memoryyou remember it when someone hurts you for a long time. In the world of imagination, there is less analytical mind and logic required. Its a time for introspection, where we can slow down and reflect on our thoughts and feelings. I highly recommend Patrick. She can pick up on others emotions and thoughts easily, making her an excellent listener and advisor. This planet rules the hands, fingers, and Mercury governs skills. More specifically, these individuals are often tempred to chase unrealistic goals and overwhelm their cognitive abilities in the process. Gotta appreciate an astrologer that doesn't sugarcoat things and analizes everything to the minor detail. Episode. In many cases, the native is able to gain control and use the traits of a debilitated planet in a beneficial way with the help of a strong guide planet or dispositor planet. This makes them incredibly creative and unique, but they can be indecisive too! Mercury is in Pisces, the womb of creation, making some magical, life-changing aspects! You have the vision, but without the necessary discipline and attention to details, it is hard to make your dreams come true. Whether youre a visual artist, a musician, or a writer, your work will be infused with emotion and a touch of mysticism. One of your most powerful assets is your intuition. This person will have a constant wanderlust and desire to be on the move. Mercury in Pisces - Patrick Watson The imagination of the people who have Mercury in Pisces is very vivid since the feelings are heightened due to the influence of Neptune on them. Additionally, it indicates being unable to achieve high success, recognition, and reputation due to fraudulent and wicked mentality. In astrology, Mercury represents the way we think and reason, the way we speak and communicate, saying something about our interests, skills and hobbies, our sense of humor. Hence, they really enjoy frequent traveling where they can energize themselves and gather divine inspiration from mother nature itself. Text Grace McGrade Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein. It is encouraging to read your post. It can be hard to connect with others. Grande water trine, mercury in Pisces Mars in Aries, Pluto in scorpio. In fact, those with Mercury in this sign are said to have a natural instinct for research and psychology. Youll discover what makes this placement unique and how you can use your strengths to make your mark on the world. Its a call to embrace our gifts, listen to our intuition, and use our talents to impact the world positively. Mercury in Pisces woman have as a common trait, the need to be with their partner, even in their dreams. If this fortunate combination occurs, then it can produce extremely good outcomes from the significations that were mentioned earlier. Its often an illusion that cant be detected - even by ourselves - that may make us feel confident about lessons learned and knowledge gained, but may not be supported by actual events, or it may only be a matter of time until we realize new information was false. People with this special combination can be masterminds in the making as they have the special ability to both imagine and channel ideas from divine sources and apply them in practical ways that manifest their desires into reality. Everyone who abuses them or tries to take advantage of their weak logic receives karmic lessons sooner or later. Positive Traits of Mercury in Pisces. He's thorough in his explanations, knowledgeble and funny at the same time, and he doesn't leave any stone unturned when you ask specific questions. People with Mercury in Pisces may face frequent obstacles because of their mindset which is not accepted by the common people. The written content of the website is copyright protected and digitally signed. Sensitive, refined, and artistic, Mercury in Pisces is idealistic and empathic. One example of such a situation happened on an unfortunate night on the deck of Titanic where Jack Phillips was responsible for transferring telegraphs (messages). Another significant weakness of this Mercury sign is indecisiveness. Like synching up your analytic mind with the fantasies, dreams, and far-flung ideas that constellate when you're drifting off to sleep. Mercury in Pisces people often struggle with communication. So, embrace this time and let it guide you toward personal growth and enlightenment. With Mercury in Pisces, people can find outlets in various creative expressions, including music, art, writing, photography, and dance. I was at first a little nervous to do so, since this is not something I do often, and I didnt really know what to expect, but I found that If you live the positive expression of this placement, you combine logical thinking with your intuition. The "open gate" of the full moon is always a powerful monthly cycle - this full moon celebrating the solar festival of Pisces. Dont forget that this placement too should be interpreted in the context of the horoscope as a whole. Its an opportunity to listen to our intuition, tap into our creative potential, and connect with our spirituality. You have a Full Moon which is already a very good sign as it is considered a very strong natural benefic. I do believe I have much help from my jupiter placement to assist me? Hence, Mercury becomes weakened in the sign of highly imaginative astrological sign Pisces. Pisces is a sign where Mercury traditionally struggles to be its rational, logical and detail-oriented self. Share it with others who enjoy learning astrology! You wont be disappointed! Think in terms of information that flows to you. These natives are also usually quite compassionate and often live for others as a result. The imagination of a Mercury in Pisces woman is like a fairytale waiting to come to life. A well-aspected Mercury in the natal chart suggests hand dexterity. Weirdly Cosmic Mercury in Pisces Mar 2-Mar 10 2023 | MAGICAL MESSAGES With that being said, they support religious or spiritual principles when expressing themselves which often gives them great respect. It is associated with music, spirituality, the divine. For instance, they often fail to understand what people ask or tell them. They have a belief that there is a supreme power guiding everything on earth. Mercury Transit in Pisces March 2023 - prokerala.com With this set of combinations, they remain sensitive and this benefits them as they refrain from troubles and quarrels as much as possible. Mercury is the exact opposite of what a native of Pisces stands for. 202333 | But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. He's a really cool guy with great character. . Your email address will not be published. Please recheck your positions using our chart calculator to be sure that you really have this combination of Mercury. A bulk of the information given to me was about general astrology. Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga Mercury indicates (like timepiece) being blessed with (by God) a highly creative, imaginative, and vivid mind that simultaneously can function well in day to day life in analytical tasks. The New Moon in Aries is our bridge between life before . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Keep an open dialogue with loved ones to ensure it will ward off discord and disappointment. Being sensitive, they quickly get hurt. Rely on your imagination and intuition now for inspiration. In a group, Mercury in Pisces men and women prefer to observe first before they engage. I soaked up all the info that he had to offer, and as I started learning more about the techniques he uses, I thought more about possibly getting a reading. So, lets celebrate the magic of Mercury in Pisces and the fantastic individuals who have made a mark on the world with their gifts. Mercury is tidally locked with the Sun, so one side is perpetually hot and the other half is perpetually cold. Famous people who have this placement in their horoscope: If you liked this article, maybe you want to save it for later. Reese Witherspoon, Pedro Pascal, and Justin Timberlake are just a few of the Mercury in Pisces celebrities. Learn how your comment data is processed. It is not said in vain that the one who makes mistakes and learns is wiser than those who do not make any mistakes. These people are excellent communicators and have a vivid imagination. var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.write(n + "
" + t); By my purchase I acknowledge and agree the following terms and conditions: 1) I do not hold Patrick Watson to be legally liable for any circumstances or consequences arising from my independent decision to undertake any action based on the timing recommendations provided by this electional service. Your thought process is non-linear. If something sparks their interest, they absorb it on a very deep level. Mercury in Pisces - Celebrities And Style - Star Sign Style . Patrick is a master at chart readings. Im very pleased with and thankful for the natal consultation I had with Patrick Watson; he provided super interesting. Having a rectification chart done with Patrick availed me the opportunity to connect deeply with the aspects of my. A strong Mercury in the birth chart indicates a witty, intelligent, curious person. The grand trine creates a super career and super charisma energy, around which Mercury, Neptune and Pluto are symmetrically arranged. I have Neech Bhang Rajyoga with Mercury in Pisces. Stars are part of creation and must never be worshipped according to The Last Word of God, and older authentic religious revelations. 2) Analysis provided by this horary service are based on Patrick Watsons opinion of astrological factors and are not intended to contradict, supersede or be in any way a substitute for the advice of qualified professionals in other fields such as medicine, law or finance, etc. When the debilitation of Mercury is canceled, and further leads to the formation of a special and powerful Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga, it is a true blessing. mercury in pisces singers Super career as a powerful (Pluto), sensual creative and feminine (Neptune) singer (Mercury). From March 2-19, 2023, Mercury will move through this mystical and creative sign. But in the other subjects I learnt quite easy and Ive ways had good memory. Whether you experience the better or worse significations of this position depends on Mercurys relationship with the Sun and whether you were born during the day or at night, and the kind of aspects it makes with the other planets. The energies of the 4th house and Cancer are directed towards maintaining peace, a sense of security, and unconditional love in the world. Does this placement of mercury will get help from jupiter and is there any cancellation of debiliation. The articles on this site are informative and do not encourage taking specific decisions nor guarantee outcomes. Astrology Of March 2023 - A New Era, Saturn In Pisces, Pluto In Aquarius I have Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces in the 11th House square Moon & Mars in Gemini in the 2nd House. March 21st, 2023 - New Moon In Aries. Words will flow more freely, and you have the potential to truly connect with others. Search, get listed, or request production services. Pisces is the sign of the divine, unconditional love, the unconscious, fantasies and daydreams. Mercury in Pisces is a reminder that the world is full of magic and that anything is possible when we listen to our hearts and trust in our gifts. Therefore, Mercury also rules over information transfer including various kinds of devices that are used to communicate. For entertainment purposes only Its a good time to for long term thinking and planning, as well as reviewing ones resources. Like you, Im sure, I have a calling for my writing efforts. They perform admirably in activities where channeling of divine energies, creativity, and imagination is highly appreciated. However, this can become an extremely powerful placement, if the cancellation of debilitation occurs and a powerful yoga is formed. Pisces is strong in creating ideas while Virgo is strong in backing these ideas with great logic. However, this little information disruption was cited as a principal cause of the disaster because it could have been prevented if the message was forwarded. (Sahih al-Bukhari 3446, Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 5, al-Baqarah 2:228, Riyad as-Salihin 278)(Words From The Last Sermon Of The Last Prophet [PBUH])All people are practically beleivers if they believe in one God, The Prophets (some of them: Solomon, Moses, Jesus) and The Seal of Prophets (Muhammad) peace be upon them. Moon is handle in basket aspect as well. They find it hard to clearly express themselves to others. A Mercury in Pisces woman is known for her sensitivity, empathy, and emotional intelligence. helpful insights into the topics I expressed my curiosity about. Mercury in an expansive water sign like Pisces, tends to make it hyper imaginative and intuitive.