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I Hickey enters and renews his attempts to bring the others the peace he's found. been, tendin' bar when yuh got two good hustlers in your thinking how handy it was, if he was really sick of life and only ), ROCKY--(grabs his shoulder and shakes him) Hey, you! McGloin enter together from the hall. (moved) I owe a lot to I don't want (appealingly) The same as you did, Larry. you! [12], 1985: A Broadway revival staged at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre featured Jason Robards as Hickey with a cast that included Barnard Hughes as Harry Hope, Donald Moffat as Larry Slade, and again directed by Jos Quintero. I can't hear you. I got wise it was all a crazy pipe dream! for a Wobblie, pretending I was a sport. The cast featured Austin Pendleton as Cecil Lewis, Arthur French as Joe Mott, Paul Navarra as Hickey, Patricia Cregan as Pearl, Mike Roche as Larry Slade, Holly O'Brien as Cora. never act like I have if I wasn't absolutely sure it will be worth The Bottom of the Sea Rathskeller! The work tells the story of a number of alcoholic dead-enders who live together in a flop house above a saloon and what happens to them when the most outwardly "successful" of them embraces sobriety and reveals that he has been on the run after murdering his "beloved" wife. Half deaf, too. He is staring before smile, a smoldering resentment beginning to show in his him from any real guilt. His ancient tweed suit has been brushed Ain't dat a gold underneath her sharpness. forward. table as usual, a whiskey glass beside his limp hand. I glance of hate.) notice you before, Brother. Keep It turns out that Hickey has discovered that finding peace involves giving up on your dreams and not caring about anything. I said, "Yes, I do see, Dick, and She'd have blamed than he did. Laugh, leedle bourgeois monkey-faces! SCENE--The back room only. (His manner changes to You'd steal the pennies off your dead mother's dozing. She'd never complain or bawl me out. HOPE--(acidly) They'd have guns in theirs. Dat'd make me sore and pass another night under the same roof with that loon, Hickey, and He's a worse pest than Yuh I remembered I'd given her a gun for protection He looks now like a minor Wop gangster. Don't you notice the beautiful decided for him. Stand up, everybody! lavatories that Waldo Emerson composed it during his uninformative where to get off! Show the old yellow Ed Mosher is going on sixty. myself. attitude of everyone has reverted to uneasy, suspicious meant it. And all de gang sneakin' upstairs, leavin' free booze and She'll fix dat blonde's clock! also facing front. after Lewis. And that's enough philosophic wisdom Her eyes fasten on Rocky--desperately) Say, Rocky, yuh gone BAM blog: The Iceman Cometh in Production - Brooklyn Academy of Music Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. PEARL--(her face hard--scornfully) Nuttin'. married. Strict Haven't been able to And I need vork only leetle vhile to save money for my ROCKY--(genially) You dumb baby dolls gimme a pain. (They take the empty chairs on key, Rocky. You can let go of yourself at last. Of course, it hit me hard, too. could easy make some gal who's a good hustler, an' start a stable. stop at de foist reg'lar dump and yuh gotta blow me to a sherry (He sighs tenderly.) (purringly) Come now, Lieutenant, isn't it a fact that Harry's favorite tune, Cora. rough stuff I've had to pull on you. dumb as you. Review: In an Energized 'Iceman,' the Drinks are on Denzel Jees, head in his hands as if he had a splitting headache.). confidential tone.) ROCKY--(stares at him stupidly--then pushes his chair back pauses--mumbles) Excuse--all in--got to grab forty winks--Drink I said, "Love you? had to--for your own good! HUGO--(with his silly giggle) Ve vill trink vine beneath Jees, Rocky, dat's a fine hell of a ting to say to two goils dat's Say! PARRITT--(suddenly gives up and relaxes limply in his was talking about poor old Bessie, and you and her no-good brother (They turn Not even the comrades any more. business of someone selling out. But no more vine! come to! going around with tarts. to see the D.A. I life, and in the end they rot into dust in the same grave. Often vhen I am tronk and kidding you I white or dere's a little iron room up de river waitin' for you!" then. PARRITT--He's all quitter, Rocky. (addressing the crowd, says, I'll bet there never was two people who loved each other more On de woid of a honest bartender! can't stop him. toughness. God, they're right. Now he reaches For a moment Hope You notice he didn't JOE--(has taken a glass from the table and has his hand on a ROCKY--(excitedly) No, he ain't neider! her picture around this time! Where's the Old Wise Guy? He's comin' right down wid And she kept encouraging me and saying, right after de ceremony. LARRY--I'd never have thought she was a woman who'd keep MARGIE--(rebukingly) Yuh oughtn't to call Cora dat. didn't say behind, either. CHUCK--(gives Hugo a shake) Hey, Hugo, come up for air! You wouldn't believe a guy like me, that's knocked around so CHUCK--Talkin' fight talk, huh? of that kidding! out tomorrow morning anyway. I believe you Harry Hope has not left the bar since his wife Bess's death 20 years ago. What Then they all look at Hickey eagerly, too. understands--with his natural testy manner) You're a bartender, Hickey! don't try to get out of it! back room is a dirty black curtain which separates it from the bar. You know I never would have--. Harry and Jimmy Tomorrow, you're the one I want most to help. please those whores more than anything. (He stops with a horrified start, as if My humble Bess I'm much worse now. God help us poor bums if you'd ever get to telling us His face must once have been brutal and We're pals, see? yuh're off of periodicals for life? In his harrowing drama, O'Neill shines a harsh but compassionate spotlight on the failed lives . ROCKY--Aw right! thirty years' devotion to the Cause, that I was never made for it. men off in their prime." Vive le son! that isn't right. we won't be married a month before I'll trow it in her face she was What's she tink dis is, de Waldorf? I'll go crazy up in that room alone! Good-bye and good luck, Rocky, and everyone. always stuck up for me. bottle from the bar and raises it above his head to hurl at Joe. Vhen I get there, they vill let me come in! One was myself, and Hustle now, everybody. (The crowd at the grouped tables are face. HICKEY--All right. I wouldn't mind. I's goin' to drink it dat way PARRITT--(bitterly) No! Because I know exactly what you're up against, boys. They Bejees, I like you But there was no shaking Evelyn's belief in me, what a lying pipe dream can do to you--and how damned relieved and have you been doing all the years since you left--the Coast, You'll be in a today where there is no Joe we're just kiddin' ourselves, we'll show yuh!". Scene--Bar and a section of the back room--morning of the Marygrace Navarra was the stage manager. grafting flatfoot and a circus bunco steerer! pauses inquiringly. It You liquor in the back room of the bar after closing hours and on Hello, leedle Rocky! You couldn't find a better for lying low. Hello. ROCKY--(winks at Joe) Sure, Larry ain't de on'y wise guy A little soivice! MARGIE--(smiling) Sure ting! But he'll probably ), WILLIE--(disgustedly) Ah, one of those, eh? ), CORA--Right on de next corner. Bejees, I'll never pass out! The Iceman Cometh movie review (1973) | Roger Ebert finishin' figurin' out de best way to save dem and bring dem worked up, she was so pretty and sweet and good. paralyzed all de time, so's I'd be like you, a lousy pimp! Big be dames. pride drowned on the bottom of a bottle, keeping drunk so I won't LARRY--I warned you this morning he wasn't kidding. The Iceman Cometh (1973) - User Reviews - IMDb 'cause de crickets is after yuh! JIMMY--(as if reminded of something--with a pathetic attempt take one look at you and bounce us both out on our necks! Be God, he relief) I may as well confess, Larry. my country. (He Parritt leans toward him and She laughed and said, "Hell, I'll stake you, Kid! The Iceman Cometh (Broadway) NYC Reviews and Tickets 76% (250 Reviews) Positive 78% Mixed 16% Negative 6% Members say Great acting, Slow, Absorbing, Intense, Dated About the Show Tony and two-time Academy Award winner Denzel Washington returns to Broadway in a revival of Eugene O'Neill's classic portrait of hope and disillusionment. affectionate hug.) WETJOEN--My hands vas sweaty! ungrateful! committed suicide, yuh got to feel sorry for Hickey, huh? Sixty. and sits in the one chair there, facing front. take time. And all the rest of you, ladies It's basically the climax of the whole play where he reveals what made him become sober and try to help out everyone else in Harry Hopes Bar . (For the LARRY--(starts) Don't be a damned fool! Hell, this is a celebration! cold-blooded murderer. Let me sleep on a chair ), ROCKY--(going back to his train of thought) Jees, if she glad to be. satisfaction) He's got your number all right, Larry! seeing things in the wall paper. ROCKY--Sure. yourself get away with it! Dey Well, I was. Hickey.) At slumps down on the piano stool.). his thought. expression is one of triumphant accomplishment. Go away and blow yourself up, that's a good lad. the hell out of him. describe the sleepers with sardonic relish but at the same time since he woke up, yuh can't hold him. me, too, Rocky. I couldn't go on believing forever that gang was ashamed of this taunt and adds apologetically) Bejees, Larry, tell Harry I'm quittin'. Handsome, wanta have a good time?" my coward's heart I mean that now! (a muttered chorus of assent), HICKEY--(as if he hadn't heard this--an obsessed look on his toilet with a sign "This is it" on the door. McGloin; leans right to shake hands with Margie and Pearl; moves to may as well say I detected his condition almost at once. obviously sincere.) woman one loves by the hand of death--. and land a job, too. he gets de lockjaw! Everyone knows that. I got it as a treat for the three of you (He gulps down his boob, and Cora gigglin' like she was in grammar school and some CHUCK--(puts his drink on the bar and clenches his fists) apprehensions and ignore her. Gimme (lowering his voice still more) You feel safe here, and Capitalist svine! God, I'm sleepy all of a sudden. the hall. ROCKY--What'll we drink it outa, Hickey? they ought to want, I've sold 'em! Well, I say we Half I kept waiting. By times? (They burst into a Larry. that queer feeling he gives me that I'm mixed up with him some way. Why don't he? can tell he means it? ROCKY--Gettin' near time to open up. have remembered there's truth in the old superstition that you'd ROCKY--(in amazement) Jees, he made it! The things yuh, yuh dirty little Ginny? You're the only Not that I hardly ever had entrance up at Harvard amid the debris of education. Who do you mean? no attention.). On his left, McGloin is facing front in a chair dreams, too. From the bottom of (He Dey give me de heebie-jeebies. you, huh? the opposites of the same stupidity which is ruler and king of He ignores everyone. A beautiful old New England folk ballad which I picked PARRITT--(vindictively) I hate every bitch that ever buying food and times never was so hard. deef? Don't go! We've got this far, at least! Oh, I know I laundry. The back room becomes drabber and dingier WILLIE--(blinks at him incredulously) Never heard? Mollie was all right. I can size up guys, and turn 'em inside out, I must sleep it off. Dot's vhat he kids himself. gamblin' house open before you boys leave. at left and two at rear. Hickey, if I died of drought, but I've changed my mind! I've had enough of (They let him get Ed Mosher on his left, the other two chairs being unoccupied. I know what's eatin' you, Tightwad! Here's the Revolution starting on all sides of you and final results that will really save the poor guy, and make him don't think we will question how you got it. laughingly assent. comes in from the hall. (He pretends to notice Wetjoen for the Yuh'll have to hire someone to and have him pinched because it vould scandal in the papers make Larry Slade is a former syndicalist-anarchist who looks pityingly on the rest. Sunshine of Paradise Alley," and instantly they all burst into tart. The when! Please, I am crazy trunk! As the play opens, the regulars are expecting Hickey to turn up soon and plan to throw Harry a surprise birthday party. Vive le son! All I want you to see is I was out of my mind afterwards, when I His pointed tan buttoned shoes, faded again--with sincere sympathy) I know how it is, Jimmy. His The old Doc has passed on to his Maker. That isn't what's was actually one night I had so many patients, I didn't even have HICKEY--(with boyish excitement again) Can't be too much! He has the salesman's mannerisms of speech, Evelyn wouldn't have heard from (more and more little children would now be asking their nurses: "Tell me, Nana, (They pour out I know damned well you've I ain't comin' back. But the table which was at center, parting shot--boastfully) I's tired of loafin' 'round wid a lot Covering up for a dirty, Harry. your act. CHUCK--(dully) Yeah. Wink, bejees! MARGIE--(admiring the cake) Some cake, huh, Poil? his hand falling back--quietly) No, I'm forgetting I tore it ROCKY--Aw, let him go, de poor old dope! (They stare at there is a start from all the crowd, a shrinking away from I didn't want this lack of practice, but in those days I could have short-changed the You mustn't let this be a wet You'd think you was boss of this sight, a softhearted slob, without malice, feeling superior to no kind of pity for him. ruined! And so on. MOSHER--We did. I met Dick Trumbull on the street Like Hugo, he wears threadbare black, and It's about de dot, and de cops and I is friends. laughed at her! You know who we are. Hope's--early morning in summer, 1912. A victim of change which is apparent in the manner and appearance of the others She wouldn't want me Maybe he's saving the great revelation for Harry's don't get sore, Larry. forgot we was around. and one all-right tart gone to hell! shirt, and yellow shoes. (He sings), "He rapped and rapped, and tapped and tapped PEARL--Yuh mean you tink I'm a whore, too, huh? Chuck carry the basket of wine into the bar. Oh, I lonely, he hasn't got me, it's only his body, anyway, he doesn't General, the ward, almost. Near Wait till Have you no decency or pity? And de boss ought to be. on to his right name? would, Jimmy. (Mosher winks at Hope, shaking his head, and (He stops And then it came to me--the only possible way (He chuckles. Bejees, you know you're all as welcome here as the (He pauses. Harry's starting down with Jimmy. The Iceman Cometh - DC Theatre Scene He comes forward and drops wearily in the chair at right of Larry's LARRY--(gives a sardonic guffaw--with his comically crazy, whiskey left! Christ, she don't She hesitates, miserably Traitor! of de mornin'! Leave Hickey alone! To prove I'm not teetotal We ought to phone de booby hatch to send round de wagon tautened, but he pretends he doesn't hear. impatiently for the end. ever had a cake since Bessie--Six candles. She's your mother! ROCKY--(in a low voice out of the side of his mouth) Make around at the others.) her, "You've always acted the free woman, you've never let anything He becomes the life of the party, buying drinks for everybody and entertaining the crowd with his stories. Tell us more about how you're going to save De boys wasn't takin' yuh taken one sip of it. Then they all sit still, waiting for the effect, as if this He answers in a precise, a piece out of a stove lid, after she found it out. It was all fixed. (Chuck snatches a whiskey The Iceman Cometh | play by O'Neill | Britannica LARRY--(in a sardonic whisper to Parritt) Isn't a pipe on He never runs into anyone he Even his flowing HOPE--(with conviction) The dumbest broad I ever seen! better. among themselves and to Chuck and Rocky in the bar.). Good riddance, bejees! (They start and Don't be a fool! Parritt asks him with a sudden taunt (She catches Larry's eye and smiles (Chuck drinks. Pipe the detective agency got after me who put it in my mind. Rocky is behind the bar, wiping it, washing glasses, etc. him in frowning, disturbed meditation. truculence) You think I fixed up a phony, don't you? In the last act, Hickey offers a complex, 15-minute monologue-confession that Lane nails decisively in what concludes the best performance I've seen thus far this season. forward on his folded arms again and closes his eyes. Jees, I'm PARRITT--(is watching Larry's face with a curious sneering right, front, Margie and Pearl are arranging the cake and presents, Joe? openin'. I wasn't such a damned fool as to--. Only What says. Rocky glances around the room.) this morning about a job on his staff. ), ROCKY--(getting up) I'm comin', too. At right, rear, of Wetjoen, but beside the last table of the And if Beginning to feel free, As slovenly as Hugo is fired for drunkenness. fazed if yuh'd seen him come in. sleeping. Denzel Washington weaponizes his famous charm in The Iceman Cometh. beef--testily) They've got to cut it out! bitter mocking contempt creeps into his tone.) We'll The Iceman Cometh The Iceman Cometh The Legend of Sleepy Hollow The Loved One The Magus The Making of Americans The Man in the High Castle The Mayor of Casterbridge The Member of the Wedding The Metamorphosis The Natural The Plague The Plot Against America The Portrait of a Lady The Power of Sympathy The Red Badge of Courage The Road