You keep referring to the Constitution's original language and writings but that's been beat back again and again over the course of the years. When neighbors gave them basic information, apparently the census taker then discussed the fact that they'd looked into tax records for "the residents of our home". It features stories on various topics such as housing, employment and population. I left all of the other personal and private questions in the survey unanswered. I'm fed up with the ACS and all their nosing in my business. Matthew J. Holian, "Data and the American Dream: Contemporary Social Controversies and the American Community Survey" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) (Podcast Episode) Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. Good Question: Is the 'American Community Survey' real or fake? - WHEC This is especially true if you have already returned your regular census form. give me liberty, or give you death as the old saying goes! Why am I being asked what my age and birthdate are? As one responder put it, if you only want to know the number of people, then what does race have to do with it? PDF In Defense of The American Community Survey Michael Lewyn I don't recall giving my cell phone out on the first census nor my customer number at my work, but she has called both. Should the phone ring and someone on the other end of the line say they're from the ACS, you don't necessarily have to take their word for it. Egyptian hemodialysis patients' willingness to receive the COVID-19 OMB No. I had never heard of such a thing. The response does not form an attorney-client relationship, nor is it intended to be anything other than the educated opinion of the author. For instance, the ACS asks about the acreage of your property and any agricultural sales from the property,[7] your ancestry,[8] your citizenship status,[9] your daily commute (including when your leave home and how long it takes to get to work),[10] the computing devices you own,[11] the fertility of women in the household,[12] the fuel used to heat your house,[13] the number of rooms in your house,[14] and the year in which your house was built. The ACS is not part of the enumeration required by Article I of the Constitution, and that constitutional provision only applies to a census for purposes of counting the number of people in each state. We will then see them online. My wife and I are not answering this. Now I wish I hadn't answered her on the phone. When are they going to get the hint and stop? Many people I know who voted for this man are now regretting it. And the survey demands that you violate the privacy of others by supplying the names and addresses of your friends, relatives and employer. I told her it would be easier for all of us if she did so. how the hell does she know me and what i look like, she's never been to our door yet. He asked if I was refusing to answer the survey. Matthew J. Holian, "Data and the American Dream: Contemporary Social Mind your own business. This is such an invasion of privacy. Moreover, since there are no reported instances of the Census Bureau taking legal or financial action, some speculate that the Census Bureau's threats carry no weight. No one I have talked to since I received this survey has known anything about it. Departments. This is Government out of control. About one week later, I was ready to mail in my form. Of course I had, but she got snotty like I was lying and said we would have to fill it out over again right-here-right-now. The less you say to them the faster they stop bothering you. Why the hell should I tell the government all this business about me? Then I received the long form, ignored it and received another long form which I also ignored. Estimates: 1-Year. On saturday he returned but I did not answer the door. I needed to read this! Name Number and street or P.O. I don't answer the door to anyone who comes. After four or five visits with three notices taped to the door over two weeks, they seem to have given up. It's now the end of Jan. 2010 and I just received my second ACS form. Too late I read the comments about this article and I got a phone call from the ACS. Actual enumeration is required. My advice based on our experience thus far -- and I am not a lawyer -- just ignore the calls to the best of your ability, and if you answer by accident, simply hang up without conversation. That sort of thing. do we have a hot water heater? Explain that their responses will constitute consent to display the video online. For these reasons and likely more, the ACS has been said to be unanswered by about 45% of its recipients. Or maybe they're going to start sending happy birthday cards to everybody soon. [17] This second survey is going right in the burner. Yet, it seems lately that these rights are being taken from the American people. I filled in only the number of adults and children and wrote a note on the form that this was the only information I would provide. The threat is there because it works. I've been harassed by phone at night and Sundays. You may have noticed over the past week on the news, many articles about the new situation in American families where the wife is now the major bread winner/wage earner. I suspect the caller will hang up and take you off the list. Then the phone calls started. Way too much info requested (stuff I wouldn't tell my friends, let alone the government!!) If you got grilled before then they are trying to find out the change in your situation over time. If it's not a big deal, then get rid of the census and don't tell me about funding- that's a load of crap! Remember, they work for you, not the other way around. What Percent of the US Population do Lawyers Comprise. So I stand up to them and say NO, you don't need my private information in order to serve me better! Any discrepancies, intentional or not, could result in an IRS audit of your returns. We mailed in a partially filled out surveys with no birthdays or claims of citizenship (the Arizona authorities can't ask if someone is illegal, according to the feds, so neither can the feds ask me.) But the Supreme Court is not supreme over the other branches of government; it is supreme only over lower federal courts. Just throw the census form in the trash. I am an American and this country is no greater than any other. Please show me where the US Census Bureau was given the right to fine you or even where they are mentioned in these laws? This info is also for the number of State Senators and Congressmen. I love my country and I'm proud to be an American. A: The ACS contains questions that go far beyond typical census questions about the number of individuals within the household and their age, race, and sex. She noticed that I was very irritated and told me that she just needs the number of people who live here and ages. The letter accompanying the census form indicates it's used to decide how many representatives each state has in congress, and how much money my 'neighborhood' receives from the government. They are so proud to be counted among the blessed. Apparently my post office would not send it to me. Does this person have difficulty doing errands alone such as doctor's visits or shopping? Q: What are my options for objecting to the ACS survey as an intrusion on my Fourth Amendment rights? Then two weeks later a reminder to fill it out. If Americans wish to be free of judicial tyranny, they must at least develop basic knowledge of the judicial role in our republican government. no one here is related etc., etc. I made the decision right then and there that I would not respond to an ACS survey under any circumstances. Corrado Rizzi is the Senior Managing Editor of When does their employment end, and shouldn't they be thanking these non-compliant people for extending their pay a bit longer? I told her to get a US Marshal with a warrant. It does make an interesting snapshot of america. Other articles have slanted this to be a case of "men marrying into money. The American Community Survey is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. I have little doubt that the ACS data is already in Israel's possession. This is due to lack of security for any personal information you provide. 5) Arrest criminals from Acorn and stop our tax dollars from funding Acorn and other criminal organizations like them. Last Updated on January 20, 2023 4:42 PM, subject to fines of up to $5,000 per question. This is how those rich people are rich, those "powerful" people are "powerful", and those happy people are happy. Shame on you! The efforts to secure a response to ACS seem fairly on the mark, but the point that seems most lost here is that households chosen for ACS are just part of a statistical sample that is representative of the country as a whole. "Popcorn? I answered only the necessary information on the first census, then was mailed the ever intrusive ACS. Life lived in paranoia and bitterness is not worth living. As she walked away, I told her that her husband Ray just called and wanted her to stop at the store at a location next to her house. This country will see a revolution of the people one day, hopefully sooner than later. Everyone tells me to throw it in the trash! I made the mistake of answering some questions, thinking it was a one time thing. Video camera is by the door for the on-site contact which will be next. i feel like a jew in germany when these goons come knocking. 55" Class QN85C Samsung Neo QLED 4K Smart TV (2023) That wasn't supposed to be able to happen. Further, congressional rules on enforcement were controlled by the Republican Congressional Committee overseeing Census Bureau Operations, when the Republicans controlled congress. PDF SURVEY OF SEXUAL VICTIMIZATION, 2017 Locally or Privately-Operated There is an actual law on the books, but that law has never been applied. But I will not tell you when I leave for work and about the medical condition of my relatives. I'm sorry but this survey almost asks me how many times I pee in a day. I'll pay the fine if I have to, but I'm not going to let them bully me into submitting to their scare tactics. She returned the following day. Thank you to this site and to all those who have posted comments about the survey. It's is reminiscent of Hitler's rise to power. But it did. It sure the hell is. [15] If you are thinking about filling this out, don't! Even in police states, they don't ask these questions asked by the Census Bureau for the ACS. I was out in my yard and she was yelling at me from a distance. Just got my second second ACS survey in the last three years. Thank you for your interest in the age, racial composition, daily habits, and private information regarding the private lives and private property of the members of my household. And, if the above comments stated that he can find all the info on the internet, then by all means find it, and leave me alone. Unlike the 2020 Census, the American Community Survey is an annual survey, sent by the US Census Bureau to a sample of the population each month (approximately 3.5 million households annually).. We keep refusing them and they keep threatening us. According to the letter, responses to the "American Community Survey" help communities to decide where important services are needed, including improving roads and reducing traffic, building. Although I suspect it's really only one or two of you. Never give any phone numbers (tell them you don't have a phone and your employer forbids giving out the company cellular phone number). "When the people fear their government there is tyranny. This is all bull. If threatened with a fine or even prison, I will say, "Bring it on!" Fiscal Year 2024 Letter to OMB Director Shalanda Young encouraging the Administration to prioritize funding for the U.S. Census Bureau and 2030 Census in its FY 2024 These people are trying to "do their jobs", but there are better ways to make a living, one that doesn't help enslave Americans even further with more "government help" and ultimately, taxation. Should all of us contact our local media so that everyone knows about ACS? They only want to know how many people live in the residents. She said she must have my name, home address which I gave. But not so with us. Read our Newswire Disclaimer. Throw the thing in the garbage, leave on your answering machine for a few weeks, and slam the door in the face of anyone who comes by. anon10731 is obviously a census worker!!!!!! Make the Census people eat this Supreme Court ruling: Neither branch of the legislative department [House of Representatives or Senate], still less any merely administrative body [insert Census Bureau], established by congress, possesses, or can be invested with, a general power of making inquiry into the private affairs of the citizen." Seemed like they try to collect more info than they need but will give in if you call them on their crime. and see what they make of that. No reason to be rude to someone doing their job. The Census Bureau states on their website that failure to complete the survey is unlikely to result in such a fine, however. And if I were paranoid, I'd be accusing the census takers of taking my new baby's ss card that has still not arrived in my hands in four months! That's when I lost my patience and said "Look pal, you're here to count people right. [17], The survey combines these intrusive questions with highly detailed inquiries about your financial affairs. We're starved after working all day on our house renovation. I told her I wasn't calling anybody. 241, 250, of all the rights of the citizen, few are of greater importance or more essential to his peace and happiness than the right of personal security, and that involves, not merely protection of his person from assault, but exemption of his private affairs, books, and papers from inspection and scrutiny of others. And this has gone to the supreme court and has been upheld on account that it is important to get accurate numbers. Well it's now the middle of July and another census worker left her callback info on the door and has since started calling the number on the "for sale" sign at the property. I told them I was not responding, and as I shut the door and walked away she stood on the porch and rang the bell, and since then it's all gone down hill. We need to ban together and not cave in on this. I'm planning on returning it blank, with a letter stating the reason for not complying is the OMB# expiration. I was willing to answer the survey at first - thinking it would just be a headcount but then I saw the rest of the questions. The daily number of cyber attacks on our federal government and access by illicit state and non-state actors is eye watering. I may answer the door this time, but my attitude is going to be that I won't allow this to cause me any more stress than deciding what toppings I want on my pizza. No one from the Census has ever said they would come back with the sheriff - the sheriff would simply laugh at them if they ever asked. At first, I completed the survey, sealed it in the envelope, and then did not send it. I filled it out. I was truthful in all 10 short form answers. I am 66 years old and I have never participated in any census. It is widely known that in a five-year span the Bureau lost at least 672 laptops. Some doubt these assurances based on the survey collection process itself. There also is a 16-page guide that contains instructions on answering the questions. We will be contacting our U.S. senators, including one who is is in a very tight re-election campaign. No thanks, poster 188. Richard Pan - Senior Policy Advisor - AAPI Data | LinkedIn Please confirm. The agent asked about receiving the survey and I informed him that mailed addressed to "resident" was not the responsibility of any named occupant to open but I was also familiar with the unconstitutional intrusion of the personal questions in such a survey and the corporate partners with which the data is shared. This was mailed to me approximately three months ago. Well its going to get colder before I give them the info. That includes visitors then which would not be falsifying info. If that's so, why is there a space for your name, date of birth and so much other identifying information that a blind man could identify the author of the answers. At what location did this person work last week? The Census Bureau would have to refer a case to the Dept of Justice, they have no power of their own. I'm sick of this. You are! I got a call last night from the Census folks, wanting to know our birthdays. And so is mine. The biggest, the American Community Survey (ACS), is sent annually to more than 3.5 million randomly selected homes to gather population, economic, housing and other data that helps determine how hundreds of billions of dollars in state and federal money is distributed. * Compared to other measured TV manufacturers in the 2022 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) survey of customers. We didn't receive phone calls first, we had two visits at 7 p.m. from this lady with her little laptop. Q: Is there a penalty for refusing to answer American Community Survey questions? First, it may get lost or stolen and second, you don't know who these people are that you are giving it to. It is just such a sick country now. S1901 INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2021 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) View All 23 Products. Since then I have been visited a few times by a nice Dept. Government entities legally are not supposed to be able to get access to this information. We do not have to be subjected to this mistreatment, Ladies and Gentlemen!! [25] U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (8-27-2019) SURVEY OF SEXUAL VICTIMIZATION, 2018. Can I write "refuse" on certain invasive questions on the American What they dont tell you is that the information is available to a long list of private corporation, research agencies and think tanks, who use the information to justify and pursue their own agendas. First, a Census Bureau employee left a note at his apartment asking him to contact her. Thank Gosh, I documented every call and person I spoke with. Title 13 section 141, subsections (a) and (d) authorize surveys. What is the North American Industry Classification System? Homeownership rates, both overall and for white and Black Americans, have increased since 1994. Uncle Sam gets my money but what happens in my home stays in my home. The most aggressive "ally" nation caught spying on the United States is Israel. After spending almost an hour answering questions the first time the census take came to my house, they start calling me on Sunday afternoon -- enough is enough! . Also, someone please answer this question: How can the census determine how many illegals are in the US, when they don't pay taxes, use our social security numbers, etc.? Follow your happiness and I promise the universe will be there for you: subtle, slow, obvious or quick it will respond to your emotions. Man arrested after explosive device found in luggage at Pennsylvania Do you have a debit card, credit card, a loan, a job, own a house, a car, driver's license? If you do/have, chances are your information is already out in the open for various public/private agencies. an American Patriot. The bad thing is, this is information that is collected by the government. Ignore any paperwork they send you, hang up if they call you, demand they leave your property if they come to your home. I googled the name and phone number, found out their spouses name where they lived, etc. Browse our topics and subtopics to find information and data. Like many, I received the original short census form, completed it and mailed it back immediately. This makes no sense at all. Washington and California residents have filed a proposed class action in which they object to being asked to participate in the American Community Survey, which enquires about certain demographic details more specific than those central to the decennial Census. So glad I came across this website while researching whether or not I had to respond to this stupid ACS I just got in the mail. Oh wait, we have a socialist leader now. Estimates: 1-Year . But they oppose the highly detailed and personal information demanded in the American Community Survey and have refused to answer it. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct., The power to make laws concerning the Census is restricted to the actual enumeration.. Then you want to threaten with fines? (These facilities will be contacted directly for data on sexual victimization.) We have received phone calls. Its purpose is to keep people informed of what is going on in their local, state, or federal governments. That's the truth. A: According to one report published in early 2014, the government has not prosecuted anyone for refusing to respond to the ACS. I left the notice stuck to the door. Is that something you would want to get into the wrong hands? I'm waiting for the harassment to begin! Got angry and physical with me (not a lot, just a shove as I tried to take back the Public Servant Questionnaire he wouldn't fill out.). Sign up for ClassAction.orgs free weekly newsletterhere. Came back the very next day, and told my husband that he has full authority to open it and if we don't comply then we will be fined anywhere from $100-5000, and the marshal would be accompanying him tomorrow to arrest my husband if we don't comply. No visits yet. They have all the information they need from the IRS. 1 in 4 Black transgender and nonbinary youth attempted suicide in past Final Trump administration attempt to address citizenship in census Someone said they can find all our info on the internet anyway. [21] If the government really wants to know your personal stuff, well they don't need the few benign questions answered to find you. This "business" and "government" is not happiness. Violence against transgender people in the United States For everyone saying what's the big deal- go play in traffic. This data is critical for government programs, policies, and decision-making. I don't feel they need to know all the crap they are asking. EXCLUDE incidents involving juveniles or youthful offenders held in facilities operated by your State juvenile system. Last night I found an envelope on my door from a census taker. I'm also going to contact her opponent and see if we can get some action on it for the upcoming debates. Firm, clear refusal and don't even hint that you have any fear of their authority.