I feel guilty over any pain I caused and struggle to forgive myself. Eternal God, your power is unlimited and your strength has no end. From what can see coming and would never expect, protect and deliver us from anything that threatens to throw us off Your course for our lives. Open the heaven over me and pour out your blessings upon me until theres an abundance of it. 3 Tips to Break Toxic Generational Patterns NOW! You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. I command the wealth of the gentiles to come to me the seed of Abraham. Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it. Household powers 7. You made the lame walk. 30 MFM Prayer Points For Breakthrough. 5. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'faithvictorious_com-leader-1','ezslot_17',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-leader-1-0');All you need is a breakthrough; you need the supernatural hand of God to set aside all human logic and then lift you to your place of praise, honor and glory. 4:14 - Oh Lord, promote me in the eyes of all those who know me and let my life glorify the God of Israel in Jesus name. Awaken confidence in me that I may receive all the blessings that you have prepared for me. Lets pray, today, that our deliverance, whether it be from what physically, mentally, or spiritually ails us, lies in the capable hands of Jesus, our Healer. 31 Prayer Points for Breakthrough with Bible Verses 2022 Update. Lord Jesus, today, I ask for a strong financial breakthrough. God, I seek you now. The God who answers prayers will grant your petition. prophetic prayers for miracle: Prophetic prayer book for miracle of 2. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation., "Lord, how many are my foes! (See Psalm 119:66), 6. The enemy is not attacking my finances. Lord, I pray that you give me wisdom and knowledge to relate with people as I go about my day to day activities for I do not know who is who. Any decree to cause satanic road-block in my way of breakthrough, be scattered by fire, in the name of Jesus. We ask for the long-expected Jesus to come quickly and make all things new. This is what the Lord says; I will restore the fortress of Jacobs tents and have compassion on his dwellings; the city will be rebuilt on her ruins, and the palace will stand in its proper place. Please help me to trust in your power to bring breakthroughs in situations where I can not find a solution. Lord Jesus Christ, your power is beyond compare. (, Jesus died to make you clean and give you righteous standing. We ask these things His precious name. Continue with Recommended Cookies. You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7. By the power of God,I release myself, from every marital and ancestral curse in Jesus name 4. Lord, I declare that my family members shall not be afflicted with sickness. Deliverance is the act of setting someone free from anything that keeps them trapped in sin, darkness, disease, and turmoil. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. If I am experiencing depression as a result of a spiritual battle, please bring that to light and show me the best way to fight that battle. Psalm 115:14-15: May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children. Do Christians use anything to help them pray? O God of heaven, let every Prince of Persia delaying my breakthrough die by fire in Jesus name Transform and make it stand tall in you. The truth is, sometimes he just wants you to fear. My success will come from aligning my plans with your will. We ask that you would not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil and draw us closer to yourself. To you be glory and power forever and ever. Would you help me to feel the rest of the Lord. If you do, you will see the hand of God in your affairs, real life changing breakthroughs will be the result. Show me how to rest right in the middle of the storm. Increase my faith that I may know your blessing. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. - Aaron Brown, Almighty God, cover my mind with the helmet of Your salvation, reminding me constantly that I am Your child and the enemy cant mess with me. Am I next, God? Hear my prayer as I ask for a breakthrough and for your power in my life, Lord. Deliverance Prayer From The Spirit of Jezebel & Manipulation Heavenly Father, thank You for the authority to battle against the controlling powers of witchcraft, that attack me. Physically, we cannot always outrun the ailments of our bodies. Lord, I know Your Word says you removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. (Psalm 103:12 NLT) Help me to remember this truth when guilt keeps me bound to the problems from my past. 3. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10Help us to put on Your armor, daily, Father. I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. Grant us the courage to be brave and courageous as Jesus was when we walked this earth, yet kind and compassionate at the same time. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? Lord, bless me and keep me, make your face shine upon me. Lord Jesus, please lead me to where my breakthrough is and empower me to be attentive to your guidance at all times. All that is required of you is a co-operation with God in the place of effective and intelligent prayer. 4. To you be glory and dominion, forever and ever. Father, I ask that your favor shall find expression in my life. 100 prayer points for financial breakthrough - Jesus POWER! 15. 19. O Lord, put a seal of wealth and greatness upon me physically and spiritually, in the name of Jesus. 3. Gen 12:3 - Oh Lord! Bless the works of my hands and open all closed doors in my business. Jesus is our Deliverer (1 John 4:4). No more drought in my life, in Jesus name (See Psalm 1:1-3), 15. 23 Strong Prayer Points For Breakthrough (With Bible Verses), on 23 Strong Prayer Points For Breakthrough (With Bible Verses). I was made righteous by Christ's death on the cross. I need deliverance of a few things n most grateful ? In Jesus Name,Amen. Grant me a breakthrough instead of failure and make me a figure to reckon with at work. May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Prayer for HealingPrayer for StrengthPrayer for ProtectionMorning PrayersGood Night PrayersPrayer for ForgivenessPrayer for GuidanceIntercessory PrayerPrayer for PeacePrayer for Faith, 10 Reasons God Might Not Be Blessing Your Life, Inspiring Mother Breaks Down after Earning Golden Buzzer with Celine Dion Hit, 7 Things that Will Keep Me from Coming Back to Your Church, 6 Truths about Jesus Coming into the World, 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 10 Things You Should Know about the Intermediate State of Death, 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Things I Would Do Differently if I Were Raising My Children Again. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. May grace, mercy, and peace be with me, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Son, in truth and love. Heaven will not rest until my Breakthrough manifest. Hear my prayer for breakthrough. Father, give me heavenly assistance and make me a lender, not a borrower. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with my spirit. Thank you father because I desire to have a mind that is focused on the heavenly and not the earthly. 1. Empower me to love you and others with my whole heart. Help us to believe and strengthen our faith in Your love, for the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world. 2 Sam. 4. Everything you touch is powerfully transformed. As you pray these prayers for deliverance and breakthrough, do it without any atom of doubt. Praying with the word of God empowers you over your life circumstances by his Holy spirit, in Jesus name. I declare that I shall be the head only in all my endeavors in Jesus name. What is the meaning of deliverance prayer? Let my angel of breakthrough locate me today in the name of Jesus. Saturate my mind with Your truth so I am convinced that the answers are found in Your Word, not out in the world. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand. I pray that these blessings begin to show in my life now, in Jesus name (See Ephesians 1:3, 3 John 2). To you be glory throughout all generations, forever and ever. Also, you can seek a healing ministry that will help you identify the cause of recurring patterns in your life. Essentially, Christ died to set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1) The most common mistake most make with deliverance is believing they have to do impossible fasts and prayers to be set free. Your email address will not be published. Lord, Help me break free from the bondage of insecurity. Mighty God, thank you that you are all-powerful, you can do anything you desire. Because You offered up Your own beloved Son, I can have peace with You and can face each day with fresh hope and grace. Deliverance Prayer Against Delay And Setback - Bible and Prayers Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me beyond measure. 1 Peter 5:10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. To see breakthrough in any area life, you need to commit to bible base prayers. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. By faith, I receive the power to excel amongst my colleagues. All rights reserved. This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. Clear my heart and mind of anything that will hinder my discernment of Your voice. Almighty and Everlasting God, thank you for allowing me to see the light of the day. Strengthen and equip me with the right skills and brilliant answers to any questions Ill be asked during the interview. I receive boldness to act and to take steps on the path that you lead me Lord until I come through to success, in the name of Jesus Christ. The enemy is attacking my emotions. Oh God of all grace, I ask for grace to be diligent and prudent with all my dealings, in Jesus name. Be exalted above the heavens, O God. 4. You can do it simply by asking: God would you bring stillness to my mind. Heavenly Father, thank you that you hear and answer my prayers. If you say, The Lord is my refuge, and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for loving and showing me great mercy. Deliver us from this deadly plague, as we abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Let the anointing of your Spirit come back on me again. I request that you anoint my life with the anointing of restoration and total recovery of all that I have lost in my time of ignorance. Psalm 69:30 - I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. In your name I pray, Amen. 23 Effective Prayer Points For Breakthrough The following are prayer points for breakthrough you can pray right now: 1. All thats left now is your commitment to praying these prayers fervently and with the whole of your heart. 5. 5. Let all men who pose as God in my life be dethroned in the name of Jesus. Please note, before using these breakthrough prayer points below, ensure you first give thanks to God. I may stumble, but you O God will never let me fall from eternal salvation. I refuse to let my situation convince me other wise. I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert., if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'faithvictorious_com-netboard-1','ezslot_23',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-netboard-1-0');Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'faithvictorious_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_12',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper., if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'faithvictorious_com-netboard-2','ezslot_24',136,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-netboard-2-0');If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures., And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free., if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'faithvictorious_com-leader-2','ezslot_8',138,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-leader-2-0');I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,and his incomparably great power for us who believe., And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God., And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:, No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. God wants us to seek his face with faith and total trust in Him. Deliverance Prayer Points PDF - Powerful Curse-breaking Prayers A speak prayer points for family breakthrough and church breakthrough. Lord, I also thank you for what you are set to do in our lives in this New Year. Deliverance prayer can help. Are you in need of a specific breakthrough in your life and you dont know how to pray for it? 12.Lord wake me up from any form of spiritual sleep. Oh Lord, I receive deliverance today from every evil pattern from. Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior and my King, thank you that your reign is eternal. Breakthrough Prayer Points - Enter TheGodBlog.Org Help me to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise so Your peace will guard my mind (Philippians 4:8-9). It is the heartfelt continued prayer of a righteous man that produces result. An unjust outcome tarnished reputation failed attempt whose perspective are we filtering our throughs through? As I seek employment, I ask that you direct my steps. Lord Jesus, I pray for a breakthrough in my life, I ask that your promises to me will find fulfillment. From the Lord comes deliverance. Thats where prayer points for breakthrough comes handy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Father, strengthen us to fix our eyes on Jesus. Everlasting Father God, thank you that you have plans for me that are for my good and your glory. They shall experience victory in all areas of their lives. The Holy Spirit within us prays for things that we arent aware of. This book contains over 211 Warfare Prayers on Deliverance and Financial Breakthrough that will give you victory against Satan and his agents, and connect you to unlimited wealth and breakthroughs quickly, when you pray the prayers in this book zealously. Prayer Points For Spiritual Growth Declare that You Are in Christ I believe and declare that I am a born again Child of God. Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. Remove weakness of body, mind and soul from me, in Jesus name. Mentally, we are bombarded and pulled at by unfiltered thoughts threatening to run away with our self-esteem on a daily basis. 3. Jeremiah 30:18 This is what the Lord says; I will restore the fortress of Jacobs tents and have compassion on his dwellings; the city will be rebuilt on her ruins, and the palace will stand in its proper place. 2. She hopes to use her life and academic experience to empower & heal the hearts of women! Thank the Lord for His redemptive power which neither fail none diminish 2. (Matthew 4:24), When evening came, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. Hear my prayer today as I ask you to transform my circumstances through your favor and blessing. 15 Powerful Prophetic Breakthrough Prayer Points Heavenly Father, I ask for your mercy today, please forgive my sins and wash me with the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord! Thats why I ask that you help me focus on your will for my life. Gracious God, I ask that you elevate me in my career. Father, as I stand before You, I honor You as the Great Judge of all the earth. 15 Powerful and Strong Biblical Prayer Points for You Holy Ghost, I declare breakthrough in my church. Sometimes when I am in prayer, all these things get stirred up and it is hard for me to concentrate and hear Your voice. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side. The dictionary definition of deliverance is the act of delivering someone or something: the state of being delivered; especially: liberation, rescue. We often think of countries that need to be vindicated, people suffering from famine who need food, or others that need to be rescued form afflictions or abuses. At your name, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that you are Lord. If there is anyone that is divided in Your house, I pray for discernment and wisdom to know how to love and speak truth. Guard his heart against getting discouraged when things dont turn out well. Use your miracle-working power to bring a breakthrough in my life. - Proverbs 17:6. Please forgive me. You are the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God. I'm in no condition to handle this by myself, so I ask for salvation. Give me the grace to be in alignment with your plan for my life. Give me assurance that there is no power greater than your name. Jesus Christ wanted to reveal some truth to you: Warfare Prayers for Deliverancefrom Spiritual Attacks. Psalm 69:30 I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. O God my Father, thank you for the great and mighty things that you are doing in my life. I need your help because Im not producing a great result in my responsibilities at work. I lay claim to my healing through the stripes you received on my behalf. 5. Prayer Points With Scriptures - Evangelist Joshua Dear Heavenly Father, When I committed my life to Your son Jesus and asked Him to come live in my heart, You forgave me for my past sins. Related Article: Carnally Minded: 7 Biblical Tips To Purity! Pour out your blessing upon me. Fix my thoughts, Lord Jesus, on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. 25 Short Powerful Prayers for Favor and Breakthrough She received a B.A. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1). Not just prayer, but prayer informed by the word of God. 1. 47 Powerful And Effective Prayer Points With Bible Verses Do you believe it? Dear God, thank you for the gift of life and the successful crossing over into the New Year. I confess that Ive listened to the voice of the enemy more than Ive listened to your truth. As you know it is hard for me to watch them go through this situation. DELIVERANCE FROM THE SPIRIT OF ALMOST THERE! (Failure - prayingeagle And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Matthew 6:19-23Here is an article that further explains praying for new believers. I will not bow down to false doctrines that say I am not who God says I am. For Hard Times For Financial Prosperity For Physical Health For Emotional Health For Protection For a Marriage For Babies and Pregnancy For Family For Spiritual Warfare For Spiritual Health For a Death For the Workplace For Bedtime, Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, 11 Powerful Christian Prayers for Protection, 31 Short Soothing Prayers For Labor and Delivery, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. Ref. You cleansed me. God of the Universe, thank you that you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Henceforth, I decree a supernatural breakthrough over my finance and all the works of my hands. God always answer prayers that are based on His word. - Ephesians 1:7 Lord, open the eyes of my understanding to see so that I may know what I need to do to break forth with life, in Jesus name. Self Deliverance Prayer Points I believe that Jesus' Blood is enough to set me free. (Proverbs 8:12, 10:4), 22. Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you that, on the basis of your merit, I have inherited a full, abundant and eternal life. If it be your holy will, grant my request and fix my eyes upon you that I may honor and glorify your name. Faithful Father, thank you that your word revives my soul, gives wisdom to my mind and produces joy in my heart. I am waiting on your deliverance and breakthrough to come in my life. Heavenly Father, thank you that you make known your love and that your purposes will stand, your plans will not fail. We live in a have to have it now world, but Your ways surpass the convenience of free shipping and next day delivery. Heavenly Father, thank you for your goodness upon my family. Heavenly Father, thank you that you are my protector and provider. 7. The critical pressing of modern-day life may threaten to distract and strip us of our Christly identity, a past decision may haunt useven though it happened so long ago that were the only one still able to re-play it. How do you get a miracle through prayer? Many times we get stuck in patterns because we dont realize God already set us free through Jesus Christ. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. Prayer Points For Family Deliverance - Prayer Points Deliver me, my God! 3. (Hebrews 13:8)Thank you that you are stable, even when I feel so very unstable. I pray that the Almighty God of Heavens will give me the faculty to always remember and always pray and he will answer me gladly in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen. You have promised that you are able to bless me abundantly, so that in all things at all times, you will supply everything I need. Psalm 32:7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. You removed the old and created something new in me. You pray and fast in faith. Lastly, you will need patience to have it made, it is through faith and patience that all of Gods promises are obtained. It threatens to crush us in many ways. Father, it is your part to bless and it is my part to position myself for the blessing through the work of my hand, I ask for your blessing upon my ways and my affairs, in the name of Jesus. The enemy has attacked me in every area of my life. Dear Father, I praise you for you have always been so good to me. Acts 12 vs. 6-7, 21- 23 - 6 And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison. PDF 100 Prayer Points for Prosperity Embargo powers 9. Help me to focus on your will for my life while I hunt for a job. Arise, Lord! This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. As you may have guessed Im extremely enthusiastic about prayer. They shall prosper spiritually, financially, and physically. And Ill also like to seek endorsement from the Almighty Father and Ill be much glad in all of my lifetime. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Thank you for unending mercy. 12. This book will equip you with over 240 Holy Spirit orchestrated prayers for financial freedom and intelligence that will strengthen you spiritually to win the devil always, and claim your pending and in-coming blessings, in no time. Help me to live in accordance with your will for the rest of my days. In Isaiah 61, the Old Testament, theprophetIsaiahprophesied that Jesuswould come to set us free:The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, andthe opening of the prison to those who are bound. In Luke 4:17-21, Jesus read from Isaiahs scroll and said Today this scripture is fulfilledin your hearing., The Bible helps you defeat lies from Satan that keep you from fully embracing the GOOD news of the Gospel: And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.(John 8:32) When we learn the truth, then we will no longer be infants, tossed about by the waves and carried around by every wind of teaching and by the clever cunning of men in their deceitful scheming. (Ephesians 4:14). Father Lord, I ask and I receive liberating truth, truths (facts and information) that make for financial and all round breakthrough, in the name of Jesus. Let your word be known and evident in all they do. At your name, demons flee. Hear my prayer and pour your favor and blessing upon my life. Just as the famine in the days of Joseph elevated him, help me Lord to see the opportunity that the current global financial crises is creating for my prosperity in Jesus name. At your name, mountains shake and seas roar. Lord, help me listen and know that I am loved, that I am perfectly made, that I am accepted as I am in You. Jesus didnt die for you to have painful flashbacks and burdensome shame. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You have said that if I delight myself in you, you will give me the desires of my heart. Prayer Points For Breakthrough And Success Jos. Arise, LORD! Top 50 prayer points for breakthrough with Bible verses Amen. The Bible says, the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. 23:2 - The spirit of the Lord had voice through me, his word was on my tongue that my promotion start this month in Jesus name. The grace you gave me, I now choose to give to others. May the love of the Father, the tenderness of the Son, and the presence of the Spirit, gladden my heart and bring peace to my soul, today and for all days. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9), You have authority over darkness my sweet friend. Isaiah 54:17 No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. In your powerful name, I offer my prayer for breakthrough. Dear God, I pray for breakthrough and deliverance in my place of work. Psalm 65:2: "O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come" Psalm 86:9: "All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name." Search in the box below for any prayer you want to pray, may God answer your petition in Jesus name. You have said that you are near to all who call on you, to all who call on you in truth.