Nurgle responded gleefully and took the XIV Legion and Mortarion for his own champions. [1][6b], Only the top of the mountains denied him access. Drive them out, and rule would pass to the uncorrupted, the healthy, those untouched by the Warp. Black Legion | Dornian Heresy Wiki | Fandom Condemned to a deathless state of decay, the Death Guard would spread their pestilent diseases the length and breadth of the galaxy for the greater glory of Chaos. Mortarion - If The Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device Wiki Mortarion got what he wanted, a world of his own. He might burn himself out to get to Terra, he might not. by ; 2022 June 3; barbara "brigid" meier; 0 . Perhaps he is actually opening up a tiny chink in mortars armour. The Legion's gene-seed seemed to amplify the uncommon resistance to contagion and toxins in its Barbarus candidates to unheard-of levels. In response, Mortarion only stood, rigid, as though suddenly listening for something. This plague transformed the Death Guard into bloated mutants, unable to die by any means. Toying with Mortarian would be from a place of emotion, it would serve no real purpose for him. An Ordo Sepultura Map of Death Guard Traitor Legion activity across the galaxy after the formation of the Great Rift in 999.M41. The Khan observed him guardedly, for Mortarion had always been hard to read. But even death brought no freedom from its torment. Typhus was especially active during the 13th Black Crusade, securing his own plague-ridden stronghold by the end of that conflict. Enraged, Mortarion called upon his own innate psychic abilities that had always been buried deep down within him. At the Gates of Parmenio, Guilliman defeated the Greater Daemon Septicus and his Plague Guard. The confrontation was brief. The Emperor gave him plenty and even went with the Nikea edict.To me Morty was just a hypocritic doofus thinking he can control the powers of the warp. Warhammer 40k Mortarion - Meet the Death Guard Primarch Returning to the village, Mortarion's mood darkened when he found his people talking not of his victory but of the arrival of a benevolent stranger who promised salvation to the people of Barbarus. Some Primarchs, such as Roboute Guilliman, feared that Mortarion was more loyal to Horus than he was to the Emperor; however, at that time, the Emperor claimed that loyalty to Horus was de facto loyalty to Himself. Due to her telepathic abilities, she could broadcast her thoughts to them in real time while she spoke over the micro bead so that there would be minimal need to repeat herself to them. Abaddon the Despoiler united the disparate factions of the Eye of Terror and unleashed the 13th Black Crusade to bring ruin to the world that had proven his nemesis for millennia. They were condemned to an endless life of servitude and were in constant fear of those who moved above them. The loyalist Primarch decapitated Mortarion, who was banished into the Warp in a massive explosion similar to that of a Vortex Weapon. The Khan had thought back then that they were empty threats, but he should have known better. Hive Worlds were toppled, and as the Blackness of the Noctis Aeterna descended, there was no escape. Going back to the Emperor doing the Mortarion wrong . During the purge, Mortarion encountered a Daemon possessing the body of a woman and was forced to kill it using his innate psychic abilities despite it being against Imperial (and by this point, his very own) dogma. On the highest peaks where the air was most poisonous lived the Overlord, who claimed Mortarion as his foster son. 'Father,' he said, and when he had said that word, it was the last time he . But it had all gone wrong. The Leonine Heresy By: Sharrowkyn. The Terminators turned to face it, powering up their weapons. In one conversation in Plague Wars Ku'gath, a greater daemon of Nurgle and Mortarion of the Death Guard discuss the possibility that the Emperor is awaking: The Emperor may not have had much love for his sons in the past, but when he speaks, he carefully chooses and means every word he says. In Godblight, it seems that GW is making a vision of what the primarchs are bu stressing Mortarion's half mortal nature. The only consistent information regarding Mortarion and his homeworld come from a single source: the Stygian Scrolls of Lackland Thorn, a historian and polymath attached to the explorator fleet that discovered Barbarus. the emperor speaks to mortarion. Wishing his brother the best of luck, Jaghatai wished to seek his answers elsewhere. In the early editions of 40K Horus is presented as the Emperors greatest generals before the Primarchs and Legions were a thing. He smelt the scent of food for the first time, he saw people unobstructed by the fog and for the first time he heard laughter, real laughter, not that of the victorious warlord's. Perturabo in Remnant is a crossover between Warhammer 40,000 and RWBY.It's exactly as it sounds. The Black Legion was one of the nine original First Founding Space Marine Legions who turned Traitor to the Imperium during the Dornian Heresy in the early 31st Millennium. . chunky, and looks a little "evil", so to speak. Mortarion, also known as the "Pale King," the "Death Lord" or the "Prince of Decay" after he turned to Chaos, was one of the original twenty Imperial primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind. Published by on October 31, 2021. Such an opportunity had not presented itself in thousands of years, and the Great Unclean Ones hummed a cheerful ditty as they began to concoct a sickness fit for a demigod. Mortarion was initially reluctant, but was moved by Horus' declaration that he was the only Primarch the Warmaster still could rely on and was eager to settle the score with the Khan anyway. Once the Astartes who remained loyal to the Emperor were purged, the Death Guard then fought alongside their Traitor brethren during the Drop Site Massacre on Istvaan V. Mortarion, the Death Lord, during the Horus Heresy. Then, the stranger stepped between them and, defying the fog, killed the warlord with one mighty sweep of his sword[1][6b]. He experimented with both Xenos and Chaos artifacts, vowing to remain pure through understanding. It mattered not how many trinkets the Primarch rattled or waved -- this power of the Warp would not be denied. In the horrific ruins, Cults of Corruption slithered out of hiding, summoning forth further aid from the Realm of Chaos itself. However Mortarion eventually prevailed and struck down Typhon with his scythe. Then again working to change your fate would just empower it more, unlike with Nurgle. Also Mortarion has this entire plan where Guilliman has to die on Iax, so he probably partially just wanted to lead him there anyway. Mortarion believed that victory in battle came through sheer resilience, and Horus, who used the strengths and weaknesses of the different legions to create the most efficient fighting force possible, used his legion in co-ordination with Mortarion's frequently. 'He is a cyst, a pus-filled canker surrounding a dead thing lodged in the fabric of reality, like a thorn, or a piece of shrapnel. And I dont think the Emperor means there will be a true redemption for any of the chaos Primarchs where they all fight the good fight and it's all sunshine, rainbows, and brotherhood 4 eva. Their father had tried to pretend that it was not there, the Warp, as if He were not already up to His elbows in its soul-sucking filth. [1][6b], His acceptance into the community of humans was not easy. This would be the end of an epoch. He brings decay and sickness, despair and fear to all those who witness his dark majesty. He was before a resplendent Emperor for all the ages. Wherever they travel they spread the joyful, exuberant poxes of Nurgle, gifting those who would know eternal life with the choicest of the Plague God's blessings. If he wanted to know the truth, then it would be revealed. Realizing that the Emperor had lied to him about the Empyrean, Mortarion vowed to master it. The Black Legion is a Traitor Legion of Heretic Legionaries that is the first in infamy, if not in treachery, whose name resounds as a curse throughout the scattered and war-torn realms of Humanity. The Khan merely smiled -- a cold smile, imperious in its contempt. Tactically, Mortarion and his fellow Nurglite commanders now found themselves evenly matched, their offensives blocked at every turn by the Ultramarines and their primarch's precise counterattacks. By this simple decree the Dusk Raiders were no more, and the records and annals from that day forward would carry this new name as one to strike fear into the hearts of Mankind's enemies. Credit: Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones. The infant primarch was screaming and wailing where a normal child would have suffocated and died long before. the emperor speaks to mortarion - The Death Guard Space Marines' once gleaming grey armour was corroded and shattered, barely containing their bloated, pustule-riddled bodies. Context: After loosing the fight with Mortarion and getting injected with Godblight, Guiliman, in his final moments, remembers his recent audience with the Emperor. Mortarion himself left his humanity far behind and was transformed into Nurgle's greatest mortal Champion: the Prince of Decay, the very image of death. But this was exactly why Mortarion had come to find Jaghatai. One untouched and untainted by any of Nurgle's brothers. Mortarion Horus promised that if Mortarion joined his cause and supported his rebellion they would cleanse the Imperium of the Emperor's taint, and build a new regime free of their gene-father's lies, manipulations and deceit. [Book Excerpt] [Dark Imperium: Plague War] Guilliman and Mortarion have He was seen as just another monster from above them, and this was quite true due to his appearance. But as others have said, 'salvation' can also just mean death. During the fight the two Primarchs were able to challenge the other, with the Great Khan proving faster and the Death Lord proving more durable. For much of the Great Crusade, the errant White Scars Legion under the command of the Primarch Jaghatai Khan had remained noticeably absent from the current chain of events that were only now beginning to trickle in to their fleet's astropathic choirs. There's this theory about the Emperor not actually "talking" but rather transmitting ideas and letting the recipients process them in their own way. On the highest peaks where the air was most poisonous lived the Overlord, who claimed Mortarion as his foster son. As the clouds above them began to glow, a vibrant shard of light speared down from the smog, crackling as it hit the stone below. A new stage of the war began. You are the Death Guard. As they hacked and countered, neither giving up a single measure of ground, their blood mingled upon their blades' edges, as rich and dark as wine. The end of Old Night and the beginning of a brighter future for mankind. Jaghatai Khan scolded Mortarion for being weak and giving into the powers of the Warp, while he himself had resisted the temptations of Chaos and remained true to the Emperor. Finally, knowing he would be unable to find the answers he desired from his adoptive father, Mortarion broke out of the fortress that had been his home and prison after killing several guards stationed at the gates of the fortress, and headed for the valleys of Barbarus. The Khan did not wish to be dragged into his brother's ruin -- Mortarion was on his own. Their pauldrons were olive-green and the links between the plates were cold iron. Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition Daemon Prince Mortarion. [1][6b], People say that Mortarion flattened the wooden door to the banquet room and he found the elders and a stranger who was their opposite in every way. There's no one else I'd rather have by my side in a war of attrition, and almost anyone else I'd rather have against me.". The final thing Mortarion saw before he almost blacked out into unconsciousness was the Overlord of Barbarus coming to kill him and mocking him for his weakness and failure. [24], Following the withdrawal of Perturabo and the Iron Warriors from Terra Horus gave Mortarion the Lion's Gate Spaceport, which he turned into his own personal headquarters. However he was able to find a weakness in the Death Lord with his pride. Mortarion still believed himself not a slave to Chaos, and sought to transform Ultramar into an extension of the Garden of Nurgle. After hundreds of battles and wars, there was just one inaccessible mansion, one which Mortarion knew well, the one where his adoptive father resided. The connection between father and son immediately formed and was plain to see, although Mortarion knew nothing of the link. He recently returned to Imperial space for the first time in ten thousand standard years when he led the forces of the Plague God in the invasion of the Realm of Ultramar during the Plague Wars. I agree with the others that emps was probably serious. Mortarion was found on Barbarus, a planet covered in toxic fumes. Mortarion ordered the orbital bombardment immediately. The Overlord kept him caged to acclimate to the poison, and taught him the art of war. Upon Macragge, the Chapter homeworld of the Ultramarines, a miracle was wrought within the Fortress of Hera through the technological prowess of Belisarius Cawl and the power of Ynnead as embodied in his priestess Yvraine, the Daughter of Shade. Jaghatai was next contacted by the Space Wolves' Leman Russ who had just returned from the Battle of Prospero and the assault against the Space Wolves' old rivals, the Thousand Sons Legion. Something terrible came out of the Warp Storms as they roiled through the southern reaches of the Ultima Segmentum. >> Anonymous 02/28/23 . We Asked Forge World How They Designed All 18 Primarchs This was deemed a small enough price to pay to continue in the service of Mortarion their saviour. Mortarion stood over the crushed heap of broken flesh, breathing heavily. It is said that the next attack that descended from the mountains above was repulsed quickly and Mortarion, leading his Death Guard, as they had become known, followed them into the fog above, massacring the remaining forces and killing the warlord. The creature's bonds were suddenly shattered and her human shell peeled away, revealing her glossy, insect-like true form. The Leonine Heresy Chapter 16: Index Astartes: White Scars, a warhammer Son of Death (30k Mortarion Quest) | Page 36 | Sufficient Velocity . While his corruption was now complete, Mortarion began to hate himself more than ever, as he was now everything that he despised. If he is planting a seed of hope in a servant of despair, it is for the purpose of getting him on to a path to salvation. Mortarion proceeded to explain the reason for his recent arrival; he told Jaghatai that he had sought him out, for things had changed. As they interpreted the astropathic messages they received in a contradictory manner, they began to suspect that things were not right. He marched to the top with the anger given by years of building hatred for the final warlord. Mortarion was too weak to reach the top of the peak where the Overlord lived, so the Emperor finished him off himself, earning Mortarion's undying hatred. Forgive no slight or grievance. Though Mortarion ultimately escaped, it would be many long Terran years before he could enter the mortal realm once more. When that failed and the Khan drove him off, Mortarion picked up a daemon of Nurgle to learn how to fight Daemons. The Fortress World of Cadia, which had long stood sentinel over the Cadian Gate, finally fell to the Despoiler during that campaign. [16] However he still appeared in galactic affairs on a number of occasions. Enraged, Mortarion engaged Typhon in a duel, with the First Captain's psychic abilities allowing him to hold off the Primarch's attacks for a time. An ancient Remembrancer sketch from Carpinius' Speculum Historiale of the Primarch Mortarion during the Great Crusade. Mortarion is one of those rare Warhammer Primarchs that has three tabletop models. Until, that is, Mortarion himself joined into the fray. Jaghatai could see how his brother thought it would all play out; first hobble the sorcerers. Mortarion predicted that only strife between the Primarchs would rise if the Emperor were to abandon the Great Crusade personally and used Horus as his . Upon her discovery, he had his captive teleported with him back aboard his flagship, the Endurance. [21], Sometime before his eventual battle with Jaghatai Khan, Mortarion assaulted the Marmax Bastion alongside Typhus but was met by Nathaniel Garro. Alone and unaided, Draigo smashed his way through Mortarion's bodyguard of Plague Marines, struck the ancient Primarch to the ground and carved Geronitan's name on the Daemon Prince's diseased heart. Emperor talks : 40kLore IAEIH: Well, That Was Awkward. [2], Horus found Mortarion more difficult to bring to his cause than either Angron or Fulgrim, and for a time it seemed the Warmaster may have failed to convince the Lord of the Death Guard. Morty's whole thing was that there was no hope (and indeed the surrendering of hope and acceptance of corruption is nurgle's deal). Can't help but imagine Mortarion and the Emperor working on the fields and in the dirt, while a squad of Custodians attends to the Emperor. Without these lynchpins to hold the material dimension sacrosanct, the Materium could take no more, and a titanic Warp rift tore across the galaxy, spreading from the Eye of Terror to the Hadex Anomaly on the Eastern Fringe.