One can be a spouse, a parent ( or both! Do you know of Archangel Chamuel? Dont miss out by entering your name and email address to start receiving signs and messages now! The Angel to support you, give you confidence, make your mind extra sharp,, Read More Who is the Angel of Knowledge?Continue, Your email address will not be published. so help me god! They are your twin energetically , and many twin flames ( although not all ) are more and more incarnating together. These relationships are wonderful and bring a lot of love , fun and have similar interests. Archangel Chamuel will assign angels to help you in your daily life as if they were your personal staff. Wherever I go, my car goes with me, so my protecting Crystal does too. Their ray corresponds to the third-eye chakra, and they can also assist us with spiritual vision and the . Have a safe and pleasant journey back, where you started your meditation. Dont idealise Soulmates relationships though. as i leave the 4th dimension realm and become a permanent member of the 5th d and beyons, my phy,emo,mental etheric and all light bodies make the necessary atomic DNA changes to be ALL THAT I AM and more. Dearest RJK it is not how old the message is, it is the information that is important. A soul mate is uplifting and has high vibrational energy around them. And whatever you do gets amplified, effortless, amazingly productive and effective. If you feel not worthy, have low self-esteem, you dont like yourself, talk to Archangel Chamuel, take on his Therapy. It is called the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame. However, his mission is to expand the flame of Love within us and open the hearts of all. He is a powerful archangel and represents protection, love, comfort, compassion, and peace. #keto #lchf, Carnivore breakfast #bbbe #carnivore #carnivorebreakfast #carnivorediet. Now focus on you heart again. What does he do? The second method is through meditation. If you like, you can hold a rose quartz crystal in your hands. There have been many twin flames that have incarnated throughout history, however there are more than now there ever has been in the past. Archangel Sandalaphon is his twin flame. Chamuel represents unconditional love and helps people restore their faith in God through his guidance. The joy of the Christ and the proper use of the creative powers of the Godhead are the forte of their instruction. We couldnt see him all day. It would be best if the two of you were single for this exercise. You could receive a text or email from someone that is completely out of the blue with information that only they would know about. When our cat failed to return home at his usual time, I got straight in touch with his Fairy. A soul mate is someone who has incarnated with you many times, and has played different roles in your lives together. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-leader-4','ezslot_11',610,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-leader-4-0');Many people get irritable and snappy in the afternoon because they start feeling tired and would do with a little snooze. They may appear surrounded by layers of gossamer light to comfort a frightened child. Do not let your hearts be troubled. If you feel your life becoming stale, you are suffocated and need a breath of fresh air, you long for a change, ask Archangel Chamuel to bless you lovingly with new possibilities and a new open door. Try again later. This Soulmate can be possessive, power and control obsessed. Archangel Chamuel, the angel of unconditional love, is the angel you can turn to when you are looking for guidance concerning your love life. This archangels name means he who sees God, so he has an innate understanding of Deity. His signature approach to helping people is by allowing them to adopt a compassionate approach to their problems. A flower, a cloak, a star, any other item, small or big? It is believed that Archangel Chamuel works with Archangel Michael to heal people, deliver messages or communicate divine guidance. He reminds us that we all make mistakes in life, but that when we apologize for these mistakes, the damage can be repaired. Chamuels role is to provide us with comfort in order for our souls to be open enough for God or Spiritual guidance. If you prefer prayers, feel free to say this little prayer: Archangel Chamuel, let my heart be overflowing with Love. If you are in an abusive relationship, you are bullied, you are at the bottom of a dark pit, call on Archangel Chamuel to show you Light and give you Strength, Hope, Love and Belief in Yourself. Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of Love, reminds you about the Law of Flow and the importance to do WHAT you LOVE to do and WHEN you LOVE to do. You can pray to ask for help and you will receive a sign if your prayer is answered. Archangels of the Second Ray - Archangel Jophiel and Archeia Christine. His name means he who sees God. He can help you see that there is still something in your life worth celebrating. And the other one stretches miles and miles down into the Earth. How to know that Archangel Chamuel is with you? But of course, you choose to accept the invitation. This is a sign from the Divine through Angel Chamuel. This time with lavender and bergamot essential oils #whippedtallowbalm #tallowbalm #carnivoreskincare #whippedtallowbalm #essentialoils #lavender #bergamot. Ground your energy by visualising roots growing from the bottom of your spine down into the centre of the earth. Even if they havent incarnated at the same time as you have, they will be right there with you, as a guide in the higher realms , in Heaven, watching over you and loving you, like the angels. Repeat the second part,Be gone, forces of anti-love!nine times or more. You can pray to Archangel Chamuel to help you find your lost items. Privacy Policy | If you look at your body now, you may see that held inside is your Twin Flame. She actually knows everything about you. Another thing about him worth noting is that he brings strong spiritual illuminations into your consciousness. You are surrounded by pink, the most delicious Light. When you pray and work with the Archangels of love you are drawn into divine wholeness and the Presence of God. He also oversees peace and comfort in any situation. Archangel Chamuel always makes sure the things are as they are supposed to be. His name means Who Seeks God or Who Sees God, because he reflects Gods Love and brings it to us. I have some questions for him. Enjoy the Monument for a moment and realize that its actually a Gateway to Archangel Chamuels Etheric Retreat the Temple of the Pink-Crystal Flame. Feel luminous pink Light filling your body, stroking your poor heart gently, dissolving black blockages and melting the pieces of ice. Make a list of your loved ones and those with whom you may want to have more positive relationships. or help you plan a future event with your spouse, and so forth. One end of the column comes high in the sky and disappears in the Cosmos. You see the gold necklace, he sees a lot of dark energy. In 2012 the ascension gates opened more and around the temple 12 more temples were placed. - While living physically on different continents the energy of the other appears to inform my daily action. Archangel Chamuel Music To Connect With Twin Flame - YouTube Archangels of the Sixth Ray - Archangel Uriel and Archeia Aurora. This Archangel is another who is not so well known, indeed being barely mentioned in the Bible or other religious scripts. It is if the two twin flames are twins- for that is what you appear to be when together ( or apart ). Think about the location where your item was last seen tune into it with all your senses and ask Archangel Chamuel for his assistance so that he can return them to their rightful place. A Twin flame is of your soul group, but has the same harmonious light and high vibration as you do. Maybe you even see your etheric wings sprung and unfolded both sides of your body. 10, March 8, 1991. They are near. Archangel Chamuel helps us rediscover the joys of living again. Chamuel listens carefully and tells that you are not on your own anymore. Guardian Angel is absolutely real your own special Angel assigned to accompany you in all of your lives. There is a perfectly matching pink rose in the heart of your beloved, and he or she is longing just as deeply to be with you right now. Archangel Chamuel and Charity teach you to develop the qualities of mercy, compassion and loving kindness for others. May the cosmic ray of divine love flow abundantly to every being, and fill the earth, the waters, and the air with the flow of rose light of love that never ends. While Twin Flames always meet when the time is right, showing the angels that you are ready to trust in divinetiming might speed that timing up (a paradox, I know!). Guardian Angel brings goodness, peace and happiness into your life. Love can be both gentle and erce, and so can Archangel Chamuel and his angels. Let the Golden Light work its Magic on you until you feel that you become liquid gold yourself. Please shine your lights on the following. Make sure you are still grounded by feeling your feet and how heavy your Earth Star Chakra is that is located approximately twelve inches under the ground. I have some", "I have met and know my twin. They are both archangels of the seventh ray. A Prayer from Archangel Chamuel to Claim his Blessings, Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of the infinite love of God, strengthens the power of the rose flame of love, beauty, and compassion and fills my life with it. Sadhguru Everyone heard about the Dark, or Fallen Angels, their names are Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub amongst others. This is an active meditation you can do to call your Twin Flame to you. If you feel uncomfortable, he boosts your confidence and self value, patience, understanding and intuition, whatever the reason is to feel uncomfortable. Archangel Chamuel speaks the words of Wisdom to your Soul, reminding about the Power of being in the Flow. Archangels - Archangels Golden Light Healing It is not only selflessness but it is the assertion of the Great God Self with such an all-consuming fiery furnace of manifestation as to consume all unlike love.1. 1. The angels of love help you ght the forces of anti-love, which bring about addictions and psychological problems such as depression and compulsive behavior. Chamuel can bring you all your desires and wishes. So if your children are ghting or you arent getting along with your spouse, boss or neighbors, or if you dont seem to be able to attract the kind of relationships you want, try adding some prayers to the angels of love to your daily ritual. There are many soul mates, but only one Twin Flame. Connect deeply with Archangel Metatron and he will show you your ascension pathway. Never in whole history there existed another person exactly like you, and never will be! Elohim of the Seventh Ray - Arcturus and Victoria. Archangel Chamuel reminds you to recognize the God inside yourself. Elohim of the Second Ray - Apollo and Lumina. An arc of divine love forms a bridge between their retreat and that of the Elohim of the third ray, Heros and Amora, in the etheric realm near Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada. For all soul mates have come to bring peace and to help the world, fulfill their life purpose, and help others do the same. Chamuel (also known as Kamael) means "One who seeks God", while other variants are Camiel and Samael. There is a knowing which happens instantly without many words needing to be spoken. . Thanks so much for this message!!! This will always remain throughout eternity. Ask Archangel Chamuel to cocoon you in the energy of Love and feel absolutely safe. As a rose unfolding fair As Jesus taught, a new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. When a bird soars in the sky, it looks for the air currents. They also teach you to replace a sense of injustice in relationships with supreme trusttrust that in reality there is no injustice anywhere in the universe, trust in the ultimate resolution of divine love. Who knows, youll find the one. This union can be seen with the Elohim especially. It is evident in them the alchemy of God's power and transmutation. One now with the Cosmic Ocean.. Christine, twin flame of Archangel Jophiel, Archeia on the second (yellow) ray of illumination. Link in bio. Archangel Chamuel - The Angel Of Love - SunSigns.Org A soul mate is easy to get along with and has the similar interests , such as healing the earth, healing people, healing animals, counsel, green environment, fair trade, humanity, love, joy , peace. Archangel Chamuel is the Archangel of Love and Harmony, as such he can assist in this difficult relationship by bringing about love and harmony between both parties.