I'd pay a dollar a stick if it was available. people also thought i was crazy whenever i would ask if anyone remembered this wonderful product. //2007-06-05: inthe70s My siblings don't even remember it! I put all of it in my mouth at once and chew it as I walked home. he would share it with me all the time. Walters Variety Store in Riverside, CA. I would love to be able to let my children and grandchild taste this gum. The gum is made by Fleer and if you want the EXACT taste you remember, they are packing it inside of the Movie cards from the Spirit movie being released December 19th 2008. !WhErE CaN I FiNd iT? Unfortunately, they stopped producing it in 1971 so it hasnt been available for a lot of years now. In the first, or second paragraph, I said that what I was looking for (and believe that may be discontinued- whatever its name was) may have at one time been called chicken bones. I was and still would be my favorite. NOBODY remembers that gum except my grandmother who would buy it for my grandfather. ??? Chew one and give one to a Chum. And also does any one remember the sputnik gum - round blue gumball with sugar coating? What day would probably charge a dollar for 2 pieces? My girlfriend and I used to have bubble blowing contests with it. Use to buy it at Bailey's Confectionery on Bunker Hill Road in Ashtabula, Ohio. Packaging is similar to the "original" as is the formula. It was so much fun going to Freedom Park to the playground then walk up to Wad's to get the Chum Gum and a real cherry Coke at the fountain. how to make bubble gum http://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/30/Make-Your-Own-Bubble-Gum74922.shtml. Bubble Gum Eggs from Arcor, Individually wrapped. One for me. I still remember the royal blue wrapper with a kid's silhouette on it blowing a big bubbleand the gum itself was the pinkest of pinkand you got TWO sticks for a penny. Thanks, Candy. Certs and my first granddaughter. Your article shows one picture with a blue wrapper. The bubble gum was cheap with really great flavor that simply didnt last. Im from Boston and Any time I ask people if they remember chum gum people think Im making it up! Now that I'am 52 I long for the simple days of my chid hood hanging out with my friends and chewing th e best made gum ever Chum Gum. I am from Lockport, IL and I, too, couldn't make anyone believe that I remembered Chum Gum! I truly wish a gum/candy maker would reproduce this wonderful, delightful gum - I would love to introduce my grandchildren to it. I love all of you, my wife thinks I'am nuts. Miss it cant find it..Yumm, yumm. I chewed Chum Gum in the mid 60's. I remember Chum gum and got some in the mid 70s in Folsom at an old town general store,on a family vacation. I am interested in mint juleps and Christmas hard mix. The best gum ever for blowing bubbles. I loved it. Life back then was beautiful. I would bring it to school in the sixties I am 57 now and that gum was damn good! Please? My kid, grandkids & great-grandbaby will miss one of the greatest flavors of life without it. CandyFavorites sells the Long Coconut Boys, Squirrel Nut Zippers and I think the original Mary Jane Candy. Bazooka Bubble Gum is still being made! It is such a relief to know that there are others out there that know about this gum, because when I bring it up to people they don't know what I am talking about, it is great to know you guys are out there and fans of chum gum. 11 Old Candies You Can't Buy Anymore | The Saturday Evening Post Bring it back !!! Armilda. !someone bring it back.wouldn't it be nice to reminisce the good old days?? pink and full of that distinguishing flavor and powder sugar. Wow! I was beginning to think I dreamed it all up. The only one I remember was billy joel's Glass Houses lp. I miss them more than any food product. In time, your gums become swollen and bleed easily. I'm 66. Almost cried because they dont make Branchs dem bones anymore. Bubble gum flavor. Don't remember the price. Thanks go them, I loved Hollyywood candy bars My mom would buy me a When the Milky Way Midnights came out they were similar but not quite the same. OMG how I miss Chum Gun, the best gum ever made. It was my favorite from the penny candy at Farley's Grocery store. Please Bring MY CHUM GUM back. 2 for a penny. So sad that it can no longer be found. I remember leaving Calverton Junior High in Baltimore, MD Whitmore & Riggs Ave with my left over pennies and purchased my gum from the corner store located Mosher Street, to walk home with chewing and blowing bubbles. Barrels and Buckets Some anglers freeze chum in 5 gallon buckets, but you need a lot of freezer space to do that. I remember buying Chum Gum in the middle 50's. Simple times! They were oval in shape, had clear wrappers, and were fruit flavored. i grew up in grand forks,n.d. I miss it so much. I got it at a small restaurant across from the High School. I wish they still made it. I think they were called Kentucky Mints, and I believe they were made by Brachs. The big size was our favorite too but the manufacturer reduced the size a few years ago. While its no longer here, you can reminisce with Dubble Bubble and appreciate the time it was here and successful. Ive reminisced about Chum Gum since 1958. It was a great gum!! The boxes were sealed, preserving freshness and flavor, so consumers hardly complained. What was the only . Thank you! I bought Chum Gum back in the sixties too. The 70's were the best of time. Is this a temporary thing?. These mints were more that a breath mint, they were an institution. !!! Many stores had Chum Gum available well into the mid 1970s, years after manufacturing ended. I would so love to have chum gum back1. I love you, my fellow chums!!!! Drumler@yahoo.com. We bought it in the penny candy section. I used to visit my grandparents house in Golden, IL in the early 60's. I loved the flavor and it smelled so good! MY SIS AND I MISS IT. Cinnamon and spearmint, especially. What happened to Nestles Chocalite candy bar? I'm glad to see so many comments about Chum Gum, I started chewing it in the 50's. I love Chum Gum. The BEST penny candy counter ever. All other stick gum was 5 sticks for a nickel. Chum Gum was the best gum in the world. Surely there's someone out there who could resurrect Chum Gum manufacture and distributionwhy not? WOW!!! . The taste was phenomenol,sure wish they would make it again, it was the best. I also thought no one else knew about it, I hope it comes back. Youd get two sticks, for a penny mind you, and the flavor literally lasted through an entire day of baseball, hula hoops and other fun kid stuff. So sad. The Best Ever. I am not the only one who remembers Chum Gum. But progress is progress. If our proceeds were an odd number, we would buy a one cent Chum Gum with the odd penny because it had two pieces of gum and we could split the penny. Description Yes, CHUM GUM two sticks wrapped individually in a royal blue wrapper. Please leave a review or any memories of this snack in the comments below. While this gum could be blown into bubbles, in other respects it was vastly inferior to regular chewing gum, and Blibber-Blubber was never marketed to the public. It was the best. Passed it every day walking home from Forest Hills elementary school. Chum Gum!I've been searching forever.. So nice that I am not imagining how good Chum Gum was and would order a box of it right now if I could find it. My brother use to comment about it. We got Chum Gum from the guy in the ice cream truck. I grew up in Wilmington NC & remember buying CG @ 3 sticks for a penny. But if you really want some, someone is selling five sticks on Ebay. We also used Dippity Doo on our hair and Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific! Finally! I don't think you can get it anymore. Yeah man, I used to go to North Ward School on 4th Street and we'd go to Tussey's Drug Store. I talk about Chum Gum atleast once a month. click here to shop the thousands of candies, Beccas Brilliant Candy Blogs, Round 2: Begin, https://www.candyfavorites.com/candy-flavor-memories, https://www.candyfavorites.com/blog/is-it-really-goodbye-necco-may-close-its-doors/. Maybe that is why we don't have chum gum the base is made from tree's OMG. OH BOY I REMEMBER THIS GUM.IT WAS THE BEST EVER. Had to be Chum-Gum. And Blow. The brand stopped producing Pure Rush energy drinks, South Beach Sunset, 14 Karot but continued . Your Price: $24.00. Its tragic!!! The stick would break up in pieces with a couple of bites and took some time to combine into one piece. Heres a link to a section of our blog that deals with exactly that https://www.candyfavorites.com/blog/is-it-really-goodbye-necco-may-close-its-doors/, Wacky Wafers! It's oldtimecandy.com. I asked some of my friends do they remember the gum and they tell me they have never heard of it. I was going to Lake Jr high school back in the day and I always bought it everyday after school. Sadly, these were discontinued many . Altoids more than most. So many candies of yesteryear have disappeared and it is doconcerting. Let us all write Tootsie Pop and request its return. Someone has to bring back Chum Gum!! I remember the gum in pink too but blue was better!!! I used to go and buy them by the box. One I believe was called Lollydrops. no one else seems to know what im talking about, so i'm glad I found this page. Sure wish Fleer would produce this again. The Harmful Side Effects of Guar Gum | livestrong Did they change it or is my memory bad? They didn't have any, but, it was a good time anyway. After that, I was on my own when it came to buying it. Please start making milkshake Candys bars again. After reading all these stories on Chum Gum, I want some now!!! Unfortunately, the manufacturer discontinued all flavors of Certs. :-). Wonka stretchy and tangy laffy taffy. (The Comrades reeeealy didnt like us for tearing up there countryside. Hot summer days buying baseball cards but throwing away their gum because it wasn't as good as Chum Gum. I have used Certs Peppermint breath mints since 1965. DOES ANYONE KNOW IF AND WHERE IT IS AVAILABLE NOW??? Does anyone know? I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME OF IT BUT IT CAME IN THE SAME SHAPE PACKAGING AS BEEMAN'S OR BLACKJACK. I was wondering if anyone out there happens to remember Light Blue Sugar Coated gumballs. Glad to know I am not the only fan. Wish we could still get Chum Gum its the best. Chocolate Babies; Chocolite; Chum Gum; Clark Bars - discontinued when NECCO went out of business in 2018, but they are now available in a new format called Clark Cups. in the 60's,, and it is the best damn gum ever! for .25 oh the good old days!! Barney-Google Maps wouldnt co-operate for a finer search.). It came in a white package with blue lettering and was a pretty pink color. 11. We miss the memories that are brought back with the familiar smell and taste. Anybody remember the Zebra Stripe Gum. Do they still make it? AAhh )..wont buy Brachs candy corn this Halloween. Studies show that guar gum may lower blood sugar. Chum Gum was a favorite of my whole family. Beemans is sporadically produced by Cadbury Adams as a nostalgia gum, along with the other historic gums Clove and Black Jack. Anyone remember Violets? How sad the kids (and adults) will never know. She did that and explained that they had been discontinued. Yum yum chum gum!!! Rob Lambert, thanks for all the info you have shared about this product. Dubble Bubble was created by Fleer, through an employee who was named Walter Diemer. If not, you should find the recipe and redistribute it! They were a white mint with a green jelly center. The reason I am writing you is because for the past 16 years Ive been eating Twizzlers or Red Vines and they are awful. As kids we loved it. Ithought I was the only person that miss this gum I lived in Palo Alto,California and use to buy it at the corner store Garden Supermarket, Boy that was the best bubble gum ever. I wish Tootsie Roll administrators could see the number of people searching for this gum. A great piece of candy indeed! Wish I had some right now! Bummer! When she was old enough shed reach in my pocket and ask for one. There actually was a Chum Gum before Fleer's stick bubble gum! IF ANYONE KNOWS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, I WOULD APPRECIATE THE INFO. High. Sadly, these were discontinued many moons ago. , The reason why this is no longer on the market is that the FDA found it was causing even more gum erosion than pain it was felt to be relieving! My husbands favorite candy was the blue mint coolers. I loved the stuff!! I agree with so many of the comments that have been made by othersyou ask people if they remember or have ever heard of this gum and they look at you like you are crazy. When White Front was around. The candy bars they make now are so small and do not taste as good. Does anyone remember them? Elementary school. I grew up in Berwyn, IL and my sister and I lived on Chum Gum! have looked for it for years. I am 45 and wish i had some right now. This was in the late 50's. I was looking for the Marathon Bar. Since Chum Gum was only around for a limited time, and that was mostly before the days of internet, its a bit challenging to find a lot of history for the brand. Chum gum has a flavor I will never for get and as most of you have said it bring back the good old days when being a child was care free and good times. Along with many others I too would interested being contacted if it is available again. I miss the gum, or maybe everything about being a child in that time. Fleer - Wikipedia While looking over newspaper microfilm in Kenosha, Wis., came across an ad by Topps Discount Store from October, 1970 (Halloween candy featured). . The best GUM ever made. Remember how much of the penny candy and gum was unwrapped. Wow! Google Feud - Answers - do they still make Delicious! I'm 43 YeArS OlDi hAvEn'T SeEn cHuM GuM/oR TaStEd iT SiNcE I WaS lIkE,sIx yEaR's oLd!! Is this something that is still available to get? it tasted so good. I live in San Fernando Valley, Calif. We used to have bubble-blowing contests and Chum Gum was the gum of choice for this. It's the only treat that really stands out in my memories of childhood, except maybe Sugar Daddy's. Are they still around anywhere? and no one i know remembers this gum. If we found an empty soda bottle, we would redeem it at Wright's market in Dansville, Ny for the 2 cents and buy some Chum Gum. Wish I could still get it!! im 57 and i well remember the taste and texture of the world's greatest gum. Yum. If I could find it I would purchase all they had in stock and share with everyone! I can\t believe they discontinued these candy bars. I too remember Chum Gum and just like some of you when I mention it to people they look at me like I'm crazy. Put gum base, citric acid, corn syrup and glycerin a bowl and microwave for 45 seconds. Take a peak at https://www.candyfavorites.com/candy-flavor-memories. Make Fish Chum - America Go Fishing anyone else remember them? I feel like my sanity has been restored! I used to buy it at Allen's Grocery. I wish I could find it somewhere! As to why we are not sure but we do address this in one of our web pages dealing with changing products. Orange County, CA in 1960's-early 70's. Chum Gum, best gum ever! I grew up in the 50's and use to sit on the river bank and blow away, while watching the St. Lawrence Seaway being built. Thought I needed to quickly write you back, and indicate my suppositional error. Have you ever heard of these. I LOVED Chum Gum!! At that time the package was royal blue. I am so happy I found this page. the flavor was unique. My best friend and neighbor, Brian, and I, after sharing some moneymaking enterprise, would split the proceeds and go to the corner store (Woodlawn Foods in Seattle) and buy penny candy. Does anyone remember when Planters Peanuts (the 5 cent package) offered the enticement "You could find a nickle , dime or quarter in this package"? I would cut coupons and take them to the local independent grocery store who would pay you face value that was printed on them, up to a dollar per day, then I'd go to the 5 & dime and buy a dollar worth of candy. It had the best aroma, flavor and texture of any gum ever. When they got bought out long ago, Chum Gum went away The big secret of Chum Gum's great flavor was that it was stick shaped bubble gum, and each stick was coated with powdered sugar. That is, when we weren't playing stepball, riding bikes or trading baseball cards. old and remember the great flavor the gum had, I can still taste it today, I also bought a gum called devil gum, does anyone remember that gum? http://cgi.ebay.com/CHUM-GUM-5-PIECES-VINTAGE-BUBBLE-GUM-FLEER-CHUM-GUM_W0QQitemZ300198065907QQcategoryZ35645QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWINQ3aPOST0Q3aRECOQ3aBIDQQcmdZViewItem. That being said, it was made by the same company that created Dubble Bubble, Bazooka, and several other similar gums. Interesting comments on Chum GumThanks for the history Rob Lambert. There was a small corner market (Rosita & 5th) that sold many of the "treats" I fondly remember like Scooter Pies, licorice by the foot, pixie sticks, Kits and my all time favorite Chum Gum. Used to be able to get it at ONE and only one ice cream place in Virginia. Garlic and Chicken Skin. I buy them for my mother, they are exactly the same is the marathon, even the same braided shape. It would be like giving them a taste of the 60's. Going off in washington dc I got my chum gum from the corner store next to saint theresa's school in anacostia washington dc. As a Marine and later Army Officer I travelled the world but always keeping an eye out. Loved chum gum I Remember you would get 2 pieces for a penny!! the good ole days. Fairchance, Pa. Twas my favorite as well. [better source needed] A natural bubble gum flavoring can be produced by . . Id give my eyeteeth for just one more spin with Chum Gum. It was the best bubble gum ever made. Along with baseball card gum, also with the powdered sugar, it was the best gum ever. I'm 59 now and smoke cigars. One of my fondest memories of Germany. I would encourage everyone to email the company to try and bring this gum back. Omg. I would sit in front of the store chewing away and blowing bubbles while I listened to some top hit song play on their parking lot speaker.Love Me Do by the Beatles comes to mind. CHUM GUM WAS THE BEST GUM IN THE WORLD TO ME,I WAS BORN IN CHICAGO AROUND 47TH STREET,I USE TO SNEAK INTO THE REGAL HIDE UNDER THE CURTAIN AND WATCH THE GREATS PERFORM,WHEN THE SHOW WAS OVER I WOULD GO TO THE CORNER STORE AND GET MY CHUM GUM,BOX OF FRIUT COCKTAILS AND MINT JULIPS,I NEVER KNEW PEOPLE HAD BAD BREATH WHEN THEY WERE CHEWING CHUM GUM,SO SOMEONE PLEASE BRING IT BACK, THE ORIGINAL FLAVOR NO SHORT CUTS PLEASE.THE KIDS TODAY MISSED OUT ON THE GOOD STUFF. I too have yearnd for Chum Gum. I sure wish they still had it today (I'm 60 now), Used to get Chum Gum at a utopia for kids candy store called appropriately 'Paradise' in Groton CT. used to put used gum in the fridge so I could start over again in the morning.:). I cant live without them. Im 67 yers old and would purchase a case of Chum Gum if we could find it. I use to go to the candy store and with 25 cents I could buy a bag of penny candy and be so happy. However, in 1928, they used that idea to create Dubble Bubble, which is where the true fame and sensation of Fleers bubble gum works began. OK Soda (History, Marketing & Commercials), Yorkie Bar (History, Flavors & Commercials), Click here for a full A-Z list of Snacks and Candy, VINTAGE CANDY CO. 1970s RETRO CANDY GIFT BOX - 70s Nostalgia Candies - Flashback SEVENTIES Fun Gag Gift Basket - PERFECT '70s Candies For Adults, College Students, Men or Women, Kids, Teens. It seems like that happens everytime they sell something so good. Fleer should bring it back. Lick. The flavor lasts for a while as well, long after the sugar is gone. Chum Gum was packaged 3 pieces for a penny. But couldn't say for sure how. It came in sticks (5 per pack, if I remember correctly ) and the pack color corresponded with the flavor. Frank Fleer was very young when he decided to start creating bubble gum. This company sold a stick, spearmint-flavored chewing gumnamed Chum Gum! I am know 47 and haven't seen Chum Gum in at least 30 years. You got 3 sticks for a penny. Remember the cinnamon toothpicks? The neighborhood kids loved that gum. Name one other bubble gum besides Chum Gum that holds it shape when you took it out of your mouth (by twisting the end). google_ad_channel = "9301152533"; Other people remember "Chum Gum" and the "Happy Hollisters" books. I'm 70, lived in Fisher Illinois and chewed it in 4th grade in 1954 and beyond. I'm 38yrs.old and only found it in Woolworth stores in the Chicago area.I can still taste that juicy soft flavor in my BUDS.Hope a manufactor can bring our good old CHUM GUM back!!!!!! Detroit, MI during the 60's at a place called Clem's Candy Store on Fenkell Avenue. Whenever we talk about the good old days, this Chum Gum always comes up in the conversation. I'm from Weymouth Massachusetts and really miss the chum gum. they were fantastic and the start to my love of sour candies, and theyre gone. I no longer have that special moment with them. Anybody remember the Zebra Stripe Gum. I would buy it at Bruce's store across from my high school, everyone who went to GWHS chewed it. With the popularity of dark chocolate I would think that the Hollywood Candy Bar would have a huge following now Cant some company get the recipe and please bring it back. Its a shame no candy company has the recipes for the best candy there ever was. I'm 53 years old and every time I chew bubble gum (rarely), I remember the great flavor of the first few chews of Chum Gum. I dont think any of these products were marketed as well as they could have been. I remember well the days of my youth going to the Index Five and Dime Store over my grade school lunch hour and purchasing Chum Gum it was the bomb. I discovered them recently only to find out, you ran out of them. As so many people mentioned, bring back the good old days. $19.99. Remember a blue wrapper And the powdery sugar covering each stick. If I was real lucky and the big kids were not at Tussey's, I could talk Pop Tussey into getting out a couple of soda bottle cases and he'd let me play the pinball machine. Do they sell Freshen Up gum? - Sage-Answer You can make some handy chum blocks doing this. I too wish that who ever made it would bring it back! Was fun reading everybody's memories about Chum Gum and simpler, better times. My grandmother owned a pizza store that sold penny candy. We bought it at Shirley's in hyattsville,md. I take it out sometimes and think back .In the 50s it was 3sticks for .01. In the 1990s, Skittles came in the form . I am also a chum gum lover. I too remember chum gum, I am 61 years old and can still taste it in my mind. Oh cummon, like you werent thinkin it too. They were clear squares with bubble gum in the center each individually wrapped in clear cellophane. I wish someone could find more info., bring it back. Well I looked that name up, shortly after writing to you, Quickly discovered that Chicken Bones* are still in production (somewhere), and doesnt fit the lengthy description I gave for the product Im in search of, at all !! If there is anyone that reads this that knows the manufacturer's address or is it still being made please post a comment with the info! Bought it from woolworths in the penny candy section. Chew on This: The History of Gum - HISTORY Nicole, I feel your pain! It never lost it's flavor and the smell was heavenly. I had a collection of about 15 though. It had a smell all it's own and a powdery coating. They had a penny candy counter there and I ALWAYS bought Chum-Gum. Thank you Rob Lambert for the info. My mouth's still watering, but that item's for external use only, a small tin of Heath & Henry cuticle cream, which was on sale as discontinued. I have wanted some Wacky Wafers for quite some time now. Christmas Candy Coal - Gummy Coal. MY HUSBAND AND I USE TO BUY CHUM GUM IN THE SIXTIES IN PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA THIS WAS THE BEST GUM I'VE EVER TASTED. I've asked so many people if they ever heard of it and they think I'm nuts. Glad to see I'm not the only one that love it! Best gum ever! it also came 2 sticks in a pack for a penny, it was in a red outer paper wrapper with 2 red sticks of gum in plain white paper sleeves. I thought I was the only one who remebered Chum gum, Razzles and Bubs Daddy gum in the yardstick packaging. From 1970, Fleer began selling Chum Devil Gum. Don't think were the only ones out here moaning about the want for more of it! Hands down, it was the best tasting gum ever. A hard candy that becomes soft like taffy upon chewing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Richardson Brands, however, owns and produces Beechies, the Chiclets-like candy-coated gum Beech-Nut made years ago. I believe it has been permanently discontinued, Oh My God!!! I have looked high and low but no luck of finding any. Our old homestead is under H2/0 so sad. Fleer introduced the recipe to the world as Dubble Bubble (and yes, we carry that, too). Knowing that the Fleer Company was responsible for Chum Gum, lets dive in there just a tad. I am 58 and I recall it very well when I was in grade school. There was usualy three flavors in one sleeve, sometimes there would be two of the same flavor. Someone needs to get Fleer to either release the formula to a small batch candy maker or do some batches themselves! This, along with stiff competition, meant a slow demise (and desire) for Chum Gum as the 1960s passed, quietly disappearing by the end of 1971. Please, please, please get them Hollywood candy bars back that say it all. I loved Chum Gum :-). Chum Gum was a Fleer exclusive, there were no past or present copycats out there. Today, it's the Kenosha Job Center. nealliquidations (5,063) 99.6%. I am in the same boat. But not on Wednesdays because Bill closed at noon that day. Chum Gum was the best. We both wshed we could find it you think the owner of Fleer products would read this site! Nothing has ever compared to Chum. I would today pay a dollar or two just to taste it again. I grew up in Memphis and I use to love to go to visit my cousins so I could go to the corner store and buy Chum Gum. So, no luck there either What I am in search of is probably something that is no longer in production, anywhere, by anybody. OMG!! Beets have 2.8 grams of protein per cup or .5 grams per ounce. Today, gum is sold in a variety of shapes and flavors . Also got a lot of teachers upset. I would give anything to have a "chew" once again! I wonder what it would take for the bubble gum world powers to crank out some more of that wonderful tasting stuff? Wow! Bought Chum Gum at Rapid Mart in phoenix, az in the 50's and 60's. It was and still is unique and indescribably delicious. I see you are out of both. The only place I ever found Chum Gum. But it was wonderful bubblegum, and so much for the penny! Brand New. LOVE ME SOME CHUM GUM-FOREVER. Candy-coated gum from Frank H. Fleer & Co. (and later the American Chicle Company), called Chiclets, can be found in advertisements from The Saturday Evening Post going back to 1906. Bubblicious Cherry Cola flavor. You could never eat just one stick.It had and awesome flavor. 1 cup equals. 25 cents went a long way back in the 60's. Great memories. Declining profits, and the threat of steeper property taxes, prompted Neisner to close in December, 1971. Everyone said the same things I have thought for years about Chum Gum- I do miss it. Miss it now and wish someone could come up with that same great flavor!!! I loved chum gum, it was the best gum when I was a kid. I remember sitting with my grandfather and he always had a pack of it. No one I know has heard of it! One other candy I have not seen mentioned here was a MILK SHAKE CANDY BAR. In the early to mid 1960's we would visit our cousins in Cinti OH & there was a Mom & Pop corner grocery that sold penny candy. google_ad_type = "text_image"; People used to say Who has Chum Gum? There was little demand for Chum Gum after it was dropped. Peppermint chews. It takes me back to a time when life was simple. CHUM GUM HAD A TASTE ALL IT'S OWN.I GREW UP ON IT. It didnt go over well and needed quite a lot of improvements so this one never actually was marketed. I since have moved east and am always searching for "California Candy"! Phase please please fruit as I have ate for 25 year ! I'm happy that there are others out there that remember! I was sitting at my desk and decided to Google Chum Gum. Anyone out there who remembers this product, or where it might be still available? Gourmet childhood food. Get up in My tree house and eat it all. We used to get it in the 60's at an old country looking store in NE Washington D.C. 2 sticks for a penny. I love it! I had chum gum all the time. They don't make em like they used to. I have searched also for Chum Gum, funny no one I know remembers it either. The gambler in me made me go for it but it never paid off. Tootsie Roll has displayed no interest in reviving Chum Gum.